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Causes of a sore throat

A sore throat is often just one symptom of a bacterial or viral infection, such as the common cold.

The most common types of bacteria and viruses that may cause a sore throat include:

  • the rhinovirus, coronavirus and parainfluenza viruses, which normally cause the common cold  these are responsible for a quarter of all sore throats
  • different types of streptococcal bacteria – group A streptococcal bacteria cause 10% of sore throats in adults and nearly a third of sore throats in children, with groups C and G also thought to be a cause of sore throats

Other bacteria and viruses each tend to be responsible for less than 5% of sore throats. These include:

  • types A and B of the flu virus
  • adenovirus  which can also cause conjunctivitis, an infection in the eye
  • herpes simplex virus type 1  which normally causes cold sores
  • the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)  which normally causes glandular fever

There are many other, rarer, bacteria and viruses that are each responsible for less than 1% of sore throats.

Catching an infection

The bacterium or virus that causes a sore throat is usually caught from someone else who is already infected. For example, the common cold is spread through tiny droplets of fluid that contain the cold virus, launched into the air when someone coughs, sneezes or speaks.

If you breathe in one of these droplets or touch a surface that has the virus on it, and then touch your face, you may become infected.

Once you have caught an infection, two types of sore throat can develop. These are:

  • pharyngitis  when the area at the back of your throat (the oropharynx) becomes inflamed
  • tonsillitis  when your tonsils (the two lumps of tissue either side of your throat) become inflamed

Read more about treating a sore throat.

Non-infectious causes

Less commonly, sore throats can have non-infectious causes. These include:

  • irritation caused by cigarette smoke or alcohol
  • irritation from a nasogastric tube (passed down your nose and into your stomach to provide liquid food if you can’t eat solid food)
  • gastro-oesophageal reflux disease  a condition that causes acid to leak upwards from the stomach into the gullet
  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome  a very severe allergic reaction to medication
  • Kawasaki disease  a rare condition that affects children under five years of age
  • allergies  such as hay fever (an allergic reaction to pollen or spores) which, in rare cases, may also cause a sore throat
  • some blood disorders, such as leukaemia (cancer of the bone marrow) or aplastic anaemia (when the bone marrow does not produce enough blood cells)
  • oral mucositis (inflammation of the layer of tissue that lines your mouth), which can be caused by radiotherapy or chemotherapy (cancer treatments)

Bone marrow
Bone marrow is the soft, spongy tissue in the centre of bones that produces blood cells.

Inflammation is the body’s response to infection, irritation or injury, which causes redness, swelling, pain and sometimes a feeling of heat in the affected area.

Two small glands found at the back of your throat, behind the tongue.

Published Date
2014-07-24 16:08:34Z
Last Review Date
2014-07-22 00:00:00Z
Next Review Date
2016-07-22 00:00:00Z
Cold sores,Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,Genital herpes,Influenza (seasonal),Sore throat,Virus infections

Sore Throat – NHS Choices

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Sore throat 





Viewing video content in NHS Choices

If you do not have a version of the Flash Player you can download the free Adobe Flash Player from Adobe Systems Incorporated.


Tonsillitis is an infection of the tonsils, which are two small glands at the back of the throat behind the tongue. Learn how to spot the symptoms and find out who is most at risk.

Media last reviewed: 11/07/2013

Next review due: 11/07/2015

How to prevent germs from spreading

Cleaning and good hygiene tips to help reduce the number of germs in your home

A sore throat (pharyngitis) is normally a symptom of a bacterial or viral infection, such as the common cold. In around a third of cases, no cause for the sore throat can be found.

If you have a sore throat, you may also have:

If your sore throat is caused by bacteria or a virus, you may also experience symptoms associated with common infectious conditions, such as:

  • a high temperature (fever) of 38C (100.4F) or over
  • aching muscles or tiredness
  • a headache
  • a cough
  • a runny nose

Read more about the causes of a sore throat.

Treating a sore throat

Sore throats are common, especially in children and teenagers. This is because young people have not built up resistance (immunity) against many of the viruses and bacteria that can cause sore throats.

Most sore throats are not serious and usually pass without the need for medical treatment. Over-the-counter painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, and self-care tips can usually help to relieve the symptoms of a sore throat without the need to see a GP.

Antibiotics are not usually prescribed for a sore throat, unless it is particularly severe or you are considered at risk of a more serious infection.

Read more detailed information about treating a sore throat.

How long will a sore throat last?

A recent UK study looked at people who book a GP appointment for a sore throat (probably those with worse symptoms). The results found:

  • in 50% of cases, moderately bad symptoms of a sore throat had settled seven days after the onset of the illness
  • in 80% of cases, moderately bad symptoms of a sore throat had gone after 10 days

When to seek medical help

Make an appointment to see your GP if:

  • you have a persistent high temperature above 38C (100.4F), which does not go down after taking medication
  • your symptoms do not improve within a week

It’s important to investigate the cause of your temperature because it may be the result of a more serious condition, such as:

  • epiglottitis  swelling and redness (inflammation) of the epiglottis (the flap of tissue at the back of the throat, underneath the tongue); if left untreated, it can cause breathing difficulties
  • quinsy  an abscess (a painful collection of pus) that develops between the back of the tonsil and the wall of the throat, usually caused by a bout of severe tonsillitis

Blood tests may be carried out if your GP suspects you have a type of viral infection called glandular fever (also known as infectious mononucleosis).

Emergency medical care

Contact your GP, local out-of-hours service or NHS 111 as soon as possible if you have a sore throat and you:

  • are in severe pain
  • have difficulty breathing
  • are making a high-pitched sound as you breathe (stridor)
  • start drooling
  • have a muffled voice
  • have difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) or are not able to swallow enough fluids

If your symptoms are very severe or getting worse quickly, visit your nearest accident and emergency (A&E) department or call 999 for an ambulance.

At-risk groups

While most sore throats can be treated at home, some people are more at risk than others of developing complications from a sore throat, and may need additional treatment.

See your GP at the first sign of infection if you:

  • have HIV and AIDS (a virus that attacks the body’s immune system)
  • have leukaemia (cancer of the bone marrow)
  • have asplenia (when your spleen, an organ behind your stomach, does not work properly or has been removed)
  • have aplastic anaemia (when your bone marrow does not produce enough blood cells)
  • are receiving chemotherapy
  • are taking an immunosuppressant medicine (which stops your immune system working) – for example, because you have had an organ transplant
  • are taking an antithyroid medication (to stop your thyroid gland producing too many hormones), such as carbimazole
  • are taking a disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) – for example, to treat arthritis (a common condition that causes inflammation in the joints and bones)

Page last reviewed: 24/07/2014

Next review due: 24/07/2016


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The 9 comments posted are personal views. Any information they give has not been checked and may not be accurate.

natural healing said on 18 August 2014

It is best to try natural methods first. Gargle with salt water, sip warm honey and lemon. Stop drinking cows milk (it produces mucus). I also make a Gazpacho soup and eat it throughout the illness. It is made from raw onions, garlic, peppers, cucumber olive oil and cider vinegar. This is full of antioxidants which speed up recovery.
get well soon!

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MissRP said on 12 May 2014

Last Saturday I woke with a sore throat, but didn’t think anything of it. On Sunday it was extremely painful and I phoned 111. I assumed it was tonsillitis although I had my tonsils removed 3/4 years ago. I saw the on call doctor that afternoon who said it was pharyngitis, as its viral there is nothing they can do and just to take paracetamol and ibuprofen, which I’m taking every 2 hours. Fast forward a week and I am now coughing up lots of phlegm and have no voice from constant coughing. The pain is just about bearable but I am so frustrated there is nothing they can do. Does anyone have any tips that worked for them? I will now just about do anything to get rid of it!

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treenog said on 01 May 2014

I get a throat infections every month. for year! last month I was prescribed erythromicyn and yesterday the doctor said its not infected when really its tearing out my ear and pain so bad I cant even talk. my voice has gone. I was still only prescribed cocodomol which seriously isn’t doing anything. i’m just tired off running to doctors who frankly aren’t doing anything and i’m loosing confidence in them now. honey and milk (warm) soothes it but nothing else. even the natural remedies aren’t strong enough to get rid of it anymore. ive been tested my thyroid and all showed ok…..:(

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mebrad14 said on 21 March 2014

I had a scratchy sore throat all day yesterday, and last night I really struggled to swallow, with my throat feeling swollen and tender. This morning, I nearly lost my voice, and my throat is still really sore and tender. I have never had a sore throat like this before, and I have feel unwell and tired.

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angieb1969 said on 16 April 2013

hi, I’ve been unwell for around 2 weeks started with a runny nose,cough etc and then went onto my chest and throat….. Ihave not been able to talk for around a week as my throat is very sore. The doctors have given me steroids and 2 lots of antibiotic’s but the throat side doesn’t seem to be getting better. I constantly feel like my throat is sore and dry and like its closing up, I have even had to remove my chain as that also seems to aggravate it.. Im not sure what it is or what to do next………….Advice please..

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KCsMommy said on 16 February 2013

I have literally just been discharged from hospital after being diagnosed with severe tonsillitis and pharyngitis. I was put in a bed and immediately cannulated and given, augmentin, steroids and paracetamol intravenously. They had no choice but to take me seriously because the swelling was starting to cause me to have difficulty in breathing and my uvula was so large it was impairing my speech.
I didn’t think twice about going to a&e because I know my GP wouldn’t have had an appointment until next week and then send me home with difflam spray.

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holland1995 said on 17 July 2012

I agree with the other comments – as a teenager I’m probably bottom of the pile, blaming all my symptoms for anything on adolescence. I have had symptoms which correspond with gastro esophageal reflux disease for two years now and every time I go to the doctor about it I’m prescribed omeprazole, which makes it go away for about two weeks and then I’m right back to where I started. Reading these comments I’m getting quite scared about going to the doctor for my strep throat (possibly tonsillitis) as I genuinely am in a lot of pain since going to a festival recently and I’d really like some relief…

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Hi2LoobyLoo said on 11 July 2012

I totally agree with OxfordAnnie. Great advice can be found online, but try and discuss this with any health professional and you get nowhere. I have had a severe gastric problem for more than 2 years now and have repeatedly been refused a referral to a specialist. GPs are only interested in dishing out a quick fix prescription.
It makes me cross when even on the radio now you hear advice about reporting symptoms early ie. a persistent cough. In my experience you will be told to take paracetamol.

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OxfordAnnie said on 08 July 2012

I do increasingly wonder about the variation between advice and practice in the NHS. I have had a sore throat since February, I have duly trooped backwards and forwards to my GP – blood tests, swabs etc have shown nothing so ‘it’s a virus’. A couple of weeks ago I asked if I could be referred since chronic sore throat is so often listed as something to take seriously. I saw a consultant last Friday, he examined my throat with a camera and said it was within what could be classed as ‘normal’. Well it isn’t normal for me, I am fit, eat healthily, am not overweight, am not HIV positive or similar. I tried to pursue the possibility of other causes (allergies?) but was dismissed and ended up feeling silly about having gone. Yet as others have said on this site, American health websites give much more information about symptoms and conditions and clearly, many more tests are taken and diagnoses considered. What is the point of telling people to report a symptom if that symptom is then not taken seriously by the medics ‘on the ground’?

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Cold or flu?

Find out about symptoms of colds and flu and how to stop the viruses spreading

Treating a high temperature in children

How to look after your child if they have a high temperature, and when to call the doctor.


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NHS Choices Syndication

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A sore throat (pharyngitis) is normally a symptom of a bacterial or viral infection, such as the common cold. In around a third of cases, no cause for the sore throat can be found.

If you have a sore throat, you may also have:

If your sore throat is caused by bacteria or a virus, you may also experience symptoms associated with common infectious conditions, such as:

  • a high temperature (fever) of 38C (100.4F) or over
  • aching muscles or tiredness
  • a headache
  • a cough
  • a runny nose

Read more about the causes of a sore throat.

Treating a sore throat

Sore throats are common, especially in children and teenagers. This is because young people have not built up resistance (immunity) against many of the viruses and bacteria that can cause sore throats.

Most sore throats are not serious and usually pass without the need for medical treatment. Over-the-counter painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, and self-care tips can usually help to relieve the symptoms of a sore throat without the need to see a GP.

Antibiotics are not usually prescribed for a sore throat, unless it is particularly severe or you are considered at risk of a more serious infection.

Read more detailed information about treating a sore throat.

How long will a sore throat last?

A recent UK study looked at people who book a GP appointment for a sore throat (probably those with worse symptoms). The results found:

  • in 50% of cases, moderately bad symptoms of a sore throat had settled seven days after the onset of the illness
  • in 80% of cases, moderately bad symptoms of a sore throat had gone after 10 days

When to seek medical help

Make an appointment to see your GP if:

  • you have a persistent high temperature above 38C (100.4F), which does not go down after taking medication
  • your symptoms do not improve within a week

It’s important to investigate the cause of your temperature because it may be the result of a more serious condition, such as:

  • epiglottitis  swelling and redness (inflammation) of the epiglottis (the flap of tissue at the back of the throat, underneath the tongue); if left untreated, it can cause breathing difficulties
  • quinsy  an abscess (a painful collection of pus) that develops between the back of the tonsil and the wall of the throat, usually caused by a bout of severe tonsillitis

Blood tests may be carried out if your GP suspects you have a type of viral infection called glandular fever (also known as infectious mononucleosis).

Emergency medical care

Contact your GP, local out-of-hours service or NHS 111 as soon as possible if you have a sore throat and you:

  • are in severe pain
  • have difficulty breathing
  • are making a high-pitched sound as you breathe (stridor)
  • start drooling
  • have a muffled voice
  • have difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) or are not able to swallow enough fluids

If your symptoms are very severe or getting worse quickly, visit your nearest accident and emergency (A&E) department or call 999 for an ambulance.

At-risk groups

While most sore throats can be treated at home, some people are more at risk than others of developing complications from a sore throat, and may need additional treatment.

See your GP at the first sign of infection if you:

  • have HIV and AIDS (a virus that attacks the body’s immune system)
  • have leukaemia (cancer of the bone marrow)
  • have asplenia (when your spleen, an organ behind your stomach, does not work properly or has been removed)
  • have aplastic anaemia (when your bone marrow does not produce enough blood cells)
  • are receiving chemotherapy
  • are taking an immunosuppressant medicine (which stops your immune system working) – for example, because you have had an organ transplant
  • are taking an antithyroid medication (to stop your thyroid gland producing too many hormones), such as carbimazole
  • are taking a disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) – for example, to treat arthritis (a common condition that causes inflammation in the joints and bones)

A common condition that causes inflammation (redness and swelling) in the joints and bones.

Bacteria are tiny, single-celled organisms that live in the body. Some can cause illness and disease and some others are good for you.

Immune system
The immune system is the body’s defence system, which helps protect it from disease, bacteria and viruses.

Related Videos (Embedded)

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    <script type="text/javascript">brightcove.createExperiences();</script><noscript><a href="http://www.nhs.uk/flashcont/altflash/c_tonsillitis.htm">Read transcript for video – Tonsillitis</a></noscript>
Published Date
2014-07-24 16:01:20Z
Last Review Date
2014-07-23 00:00:00Z
Next Review Date
2016-07-23 00:00:00Z
Arthritis,Immune system,Sore throat

Sore Throat – NHS Choices

@import url(‘/css/reset.css’) screen;
@import url(‘/css/screen.css’) screen;
@import url(‘/css/healthaz.css’) screen;




var MSOWebPartPageFormName = ‘aspnetForm’;




Sore throat 





Viewing video content in NHS Choices

If you do not have a version of the Flash Player you can download the free Adobe Flash Player from Adobe Systems Incorporated.


Tonsillitis is an infection of the tonsils, which are two small glands at the back of the throat behind the tongue. Learn how to spot the symptoms and find out who is most at risk.

Media last reviewed: 11/07/2013

Next review due: 11/07/2015

How to prevent germs from spreading

Cleaning and good hygiene tips to help reduce the number of germs in your home

A sore throat (pharyngitis) is normally a symptom of a bacterial or viral infection, such as the common cold. In around a third of cases, no cause for the sore throat can be found.

If you have a sore throat, you may also have:

If your sore throat is caused by bacteria or a virus, you may also experience symptoms associated with common infectious conditions, such as:

  • a high temperature (fever) of 38C (100.4F) or over
  • aching muscles or tiredness
  • a headache
  • a cough
  • a runny nose

Read more about the causes of a sore throat.

Treating a sore throat

Sore throats are common, especially in children and teenagers. This is because young people have not built up resistance (immunity) against many of the viruses and bacteria that can cause sore throats.

Most sore throats are not serious and usually pass without the need for medical treatment. Over-the-counter painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, and self-care tips can usually help to relieve the symptoms of a sore throat without the need to see a GP.

Antibiotics are not usually prescribed for a sore throat, unless it is particularly severe or you are considered at risk of a more serious infection.

Read more detailed information about treating a sore throat.

How long will a sore throat last?

A recent UK study looked at people who book a GP appointment for a sore throat (probably those with worse symptoms). The results found:

  • in 50% of cases, moderately bad symptoms of a sore throat had settled seven days after the onset of the illness
  • in 80% of cases, moderately bad symptoms of a sore throat had gone after 10 days

When to seek medical help

Make an appointment to see your GP if:

  • you have a persistent high temperature above 38C (100.4F), which does not go down after taking medication
  • your symptoms do not improve within a week

It’s important to investigate the cause of your temperature because it may be the result of a more serious condition, such as:

  • epiglottitis  swelling and redness (inflammation) of the epiglottis (the flap of tissue at the back of the throat, underneath the tongue); if left untreated, it can cause breathing difficulties
  • quinsy  an abscess (a painful collection of pus) that develops between the back of the tonsil and the wall of the throat, usually caused by a bout of severe tonsillitis

Blood tests may be carried out if your GP suspects you have a type of viral infection called glandular fever (also known as infectious mononucleosis).

Emergency medical care

Contact your GP, local out-of-hours service or NHS 111 as soon as possible if you have a sore throat and you:

  • are in severe pain
  • have difficulty breathing
  • are making a high-pitched sound as you breathe (stridor)
  • start drooling
  • have a muffled voice
  • have difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) or are not able to swallow enough fluids

If your symptoms are very severe or getting worse quickly, visit your nearest accident and emergency (A&E) department or call 999 for an ambulance.

At-risk groups

While most sore throats can be treated at home, some people are more at risk than others of developing complications from a sore throat, and may need additional treatment.

See your GP at the first sign of infection if you:

  • have HIV and AIDS (a virus that attacks the body’s immune system)
  • have leukaemia (cancer of the bone marrow)
  • have asplenia (when your spleen, an organ behind your stomach, does not work properly or has been removed)
  • have aplastic anaemia (when your bone marrow does not produce enough blood cells)
  • are receiving chemotherapy
  • are taking an immunosuppressant medicine (which stops your immune system working) – for example, because you have had an organ transplant
  • are taking an antithyroid medication (to stop your thyroid gland producing too many hormones), such as carbimazole
  • are taking a disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) – for example, to treat arthritis (a common condition that causes inflammation in the joints and bones)

Page last reviewed: 24/07/2014

Next review due: 24/07/2016


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The 9 comments posted are personal views. Any information they give has not been checked and may not be accurate.

natural healing said on 18 August 2014

It is best to try natural methods first. Gargle with salt water, sip warm honey and lemon. Stop drinking cows milk (it produces mucus). I also make a Gazpacho soup and eat it throughout the illness. It is made from raw onions, garlic, peppers, cucumber olive oil and cider vinegar. This is full of antioxidants which speed up recovery.
get well soon!

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MissRP said on 12 May 2014

Last Saturday I woke with a sore throat, but didn’t think anything of it. On Sunday it was extremely painful and I phoned 111. I assumed it was tonsillitis although I had my tonsils removed 3/4 years ago. I saw the on call doctor that afternoon who said it was pharyngitis, as its viral there is nothing they can do and just to take paracetamol and ibuprofen, which I’m taking every 2 hours. Fast forward a week and I am now coughing up lots of phlegm and have no voice from constant coughing. The pain is just about bearable but I am so frustrated there is nothing they can do. Does anyone have any tips that worked for them? I will now just about do anything to get rid of it!

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treenog said on 01 May 2014

I get a throat infections every month. for year! last month I was prescribed erythromicyn and yesterday the doctor said its not infected when really its tearing out my ear and pain so bad I cant even talk. my voice has gone. I was still only prescribed cocodomol which seriously isn’t doing anything. i’m just tired off running to doctors who frankly aren’t doing anything and i’m loosing confidence in them now. honey and milk (warm) soothes it but nothing else. even the natural remedies aren’t strong enough to get rid of it anymore. ive been tested my thyroid and all showed ok…..:(

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mebrad14 said on 21 March 2014

I had a scratchy sore throat all day yesterday, and last night I really struggled to swallow, with my throat feeling swollen and tender. This morning, I nearly lost my voice, and my throat is still really sore and tender. I have never had a sore throat like this before, and I have feel unwell and tired.

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angieb1969 said on 16 April 2013

hi, I’ve been unwell for around 2 weeks started with a runny nose,cough etc and then went onto my chest and throat….. Ihave not been able to talk for around a week as my throat is very sore. The doctors have given me steroids and 2 lots of antibiotic’s but the throat side doesn’t seem to be getting better. I constantly feel like my throat is sore and dry and like its closing up, I have even had to remove my chain as that also seems to aggravate it.. Im not sure what it is or what to do next………….Advice please..

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KCsMommy said on 16 February 2013

I have literally just been discharged from hospital after being diagnosed with severe tonsillitis and pharyngitis. I was put in a bed and immediately cannulated and given, augmentin, steroids and paracetamol intravenously. They had no choice but to take me seriously because the swelling was starting to cause me to have difficulty in breathing and my uvula was so large it was impairing my speech.
I didn’t think twice about going to a&e because I know my GP wouldn’t have had an appointment until next week and then send me home with difflam spray.

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holland1995 said on 17 July 2012

I agree with the other comments – as a teenager I’m probably bottom of the pile, blaming all my symptoms for anything on adolescence. I have had symptoms which correspond with gastro esophageal reflux disease for two years now and every time I go to the doctor about it I’m prescribed omeprazole, which makes it go away for about two weeks and then I’m right back to where I started. Reading these comments I’m getting quite scared about going to the doctor for my strep throat (possibly tonsillitis) as I genuinely am in a lot of pain since going to a festival recently and I’d really like some relief…

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Hi2LoobyLoo said on 11 July 2012

I totally agree with OxfordAnnie. Great advice can be found online, but try and discuss this with any health professional and you get nowhere. I have had a severe gastric problem for more than 2 years now and have repeatedly been refused a referral to a specialist. GPs are only interested in dishing out a quick fix prescription.
It makes me cross when even on the radio now you hear advice about reporting symptoms early ie. a persistent cough. In my experience you will be told to take paracetamol.

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OxfordAnnie said on 08 July 2012

I do increasingly wonder about the variation between advice and practice in the NHS. I have had a sore throat since February, I have duly trooped backwards and forwards to my GP – blood tests, swabs etc have shown nothing so ‘it’s a virus’. A couple of weeks ago I asked if I could be referred since chronic sore throat is so often listed as something to take seriously. I saw a consultant last Friday, he examined my throat with a camera and said it was within what could be classed as ‘normal’. Well it isn’t normal for me, I am fit, eat healthily, am not overweight, am not HIV positive or similar. I tried to pursue the possibility of other causes (allergies?) but was dismissed and ended up feeling silly about having gone. Yet as others have said on this site, American health websites give much more information about symptoms and conditions and clearly, many more tests are taken and diagnoses considered. What is the point of telling people to report a symptom if that symptom is then not taken seriously by the medics ‘on the ground’?

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Cold or flu?

Find out about symptoms of colds and flu and how to stop the viruses spreading

Treating a high temperature in children

How to look after your child if they have a high temperature, and when to call the doctor.


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Treating a sore throat

Sore throats are not usually serious and often pass in three to seven days. There are some treatments you can use at home to relieve your symptoms.

When to see your GP

You should see your GP if you:

  • fall into one of the groups of people at risk of developing complications  this includes anyone with a weakened immune system due to medication, or a condition such as HIV
  • have persistent symptoms that are not improving or responding to self-care

Visit your nearest accident and emergency department (A&E) or call 999 for an ambulance if you have severe symptoms such as:

  • difficulty breathing or swallowing
  • severe pain
  • drooling
  • a muffled voice
  • a high-pitched sound as you breathe (stridor)

Read more about when to visit your GP.


For treating sore throats, over-the-counter painkillers, such as paracetamol, are usually recommended. These may also help reduce a high temperature (fever).

You should not take aspirin or ibuprofen if you have:

  • asthma
  • current or past stomach problems, such as a stomach ulcer
  • current or past liver or kidney problems

Children under the age of 16 should never be given aspirin.

Take painkillers as necessary to relieve your pain. Always read the manufacturer’s instructions so you do not exceed the recommended or prescribed dose.

Self-care tips

If you or someone in your family has a sore throat, the tips below may help relieve the symptoms:

  • avoid food or drink that is too hot, as this could irritate the throat
  • eat cool, soft food and drink cool or warm liquids
  • adults and older children can suck lozenges, hard sweets, ice cubes or ice lollies
  • avoid smoking and smoky environments
  • regularly gargling with a mouthwash of warm, salty water may help reduce swelling or pain
  • drink enough fluids, especially if you have a fever

Steam inhalation is not recommended, as it’s unlikely to help a sore throat and there is a risk of scalding.


The use of antibiotics is not usually recommended for treating sore throats. This is because most sore throats are not caused by bacteria.

Even if your sore throat is caused by bacteria, antibiotics have very little effect on the severity of the symptoms and how long they last, and may cause unpleasant side effects.

Overusing antibiotics to treat minor ailments can also make them less effective in the treatment of life-threatening conditions. This is known as antibiotic resistance.

Antibiotics are usually only prescribed if:

  • your sore throat is particularly severe
  • you are at increased risk of a severe infection – for example, because you have a weakened immune system due to HIV or diabetes (a long-term condition caused by too much glucose in the blood)
  • you are at risk of having a weakened immune system – there are some medications that can cause this, such as carbimazole (to treat an overactive thyroid gland)
  • you have a history of rheumatic fever (a condition that can cause widespread inflammation throughout the body)
  • you have valvular heart disease (a disease affecting the valves in your heart, which control blood flow)
  • you experience repeated infections caused by the group A streptococcus bacteria

Delayed antibiotics prescription

If your GP thinks you might need antibiotics, they may issue a prescription but ask you to wait up to three days for symptoms to improve.

If your sore throat gets worse, or has not improved after three days, you should have instructions to either:

  • take your prescription slip to a pharmacy
  • return to the GP surgery after three days to collect your medication

Recent studies show that complications of a sore throat are uncommon and usually not serious. A delayed antibiotic prescription seems to be as effective as an immediate prescription in reducing complications.

Using a delayed prescription provides similar benefits to an immediate prescription. Most importantly, this helps you to avoid taking antibiotics when they’re not needed and helps prevent antibiotic resistance.


A tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the tonsils (the two lumps of tissue on either side of your throat). If your child has repeated infections of the tonsils (tonsillitis), a tonsillectomy may be considered.

Read more about treating tonsillitis.

Persistent sore throat

If you have a persistent sore throat (one that lasts three to four weeks), your GP may refer you for further tests. This is because your sore throat may be a symptom of a more serious condition. Some possibilities are described below.

Glandular fever

If you are 15-25 years of age with a persistent sore throat, you may have glandular fever (also known as infectious mononucleosis, or mono). This is a type of viral infection with symptoms that can last up to six weeks.


A persistent sore throat can also be a symptom of some types of cancer, such as throat cancer. This type of cancer is rare and mainly affects people over the age of 50. In the UK every year, 5,300 people are diagnosed with cancer of the oropharynx (the area at the back of your throat) or mouth.

Read more about mouth cancer.

Non-infectious causes

In some cases, a sore throat may be caused by substances that irritate the throat. Sources can include:

You may find that avoiding these substances, or seeking treatment for an allergy or COPD, can help to reduce symptoms of a sore throat.

Giving up smoking

If you smoke, giving up will reduce irritation to your throat and strengthen your defences against infection.

The NHS Smoking Helpline can offer you advice and encouragement to help you quit smoking. You can call the helpline free of charge on 0300 123 1044 (England only) or visit the NHS Smokefree website.

Your GP or pharmacist will also be able to give you help and advice about giving up smoking, or you can read more about quitting smoking.

Preventing a sore throat

As sore throats are caused by bacterial or viral infections, they can be difficult to prevent.

If you have a sore throat caused by an infection, you can help prevent the infection spreading by practising good hygiene, such as washing your hands regularly and keeping surfaces clean and free of germs.

Read more about how to prevent germs from spreading.

Bacteria are tiny, single-celled organisms that live in the body. Some can cause illness and disease and others are good for you.

Immune system
The immune system is the body’s defence system, which helps protect it from disease, bacteria and viruses.

Inflammation is the body’s response to infection, irritation or injury, which causes redness, swelling, pain and sometimes a feeling of heat in the affected area.

Two small glands found at the back of your throat, behind the tongue.

Published Date
2014-07-24 16:11:38Z
Last Review Date
2014-07-22 00:00:00Z
Next Review Date
2016-07-22 00:00:00Z
Antibiotics,Fever,Glandular fever,Immune system,Painkillers,Sore throat,Throat,Tonsillectomy,Tonsillitis

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