- Causes
- Detecting head lice
- Introduction
- See what the doctor sees with Map of Medicine
- Treating head lice
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Head lice

Head lice can be effectively treated with medicated lotions or by wet combing using a specially designed head lice comb
How common are head lice?
Head lice are a common problem, particularly in school children aged 4-11 years.
It’s difficult to know exactly how common head lice are because the problem is often treated at home, with people only visiting their GP if treatment is unsuccessful.
However, it’s thought that up to one in three children in the UK may get head lice at some point during the year.
Head lice are tiny insects that live in human hair. They’re particularly common in children.
Head lice are whitish to grey-brown in colour, and smaller than the size of a pinhead when first hatched. When fully grown they’re about the size of a sesame seed.
They can’t fly, jump or swim and are spread by head-to-head contact, climbing from the hair of an infected person to the hair of someone else.
A head lice infestation isn’t the result of dirty hair or poor hygiene. All types of hair can be affected, regardless of its length and condition.
Head lice only affect humans and can’t be passed on to animals or be caught from them.
Head lice often cause a person’s scalp to itch. Itching isn’t caused by lice biting the scalp, but by an allergy to the lice.
However, not everyone is allergic to head lice, so you or your child may not notice a head lice infestation.
Even if someone with head lice is allergic to them, itching can take up to three months to develop.
In some cases, a rash may appear on the back of the neck. This is caused by a reaction to lice droppings.
Life cycle of head lice
A female head louse lays eggs by cementing them to hairs (often close to the root), where they’re kept warm by the scalp. The eggs are pinhead-size and difficult to see.
After seven to 10 days, the baby lice hatch and the empty eggshells remain glued in place. These remains are known as nits. Nits are white and become more noticeable as the hair grows and carries them away from the scalp.
Head lice feed by biting the scalp and feeding on blood. They take nine to 10 days to become fully grown. Head lice normally only crawl from head to head when they’re adults or nearly mature juveniles.
A female head louse may start to lay eggs from nine days after she’s hatched. Therefore, to break the cycle and stop them spreading, they need to be removed within nine days of hatching.
How to spot head lice
Head lice can be difficult to see, even when the head is closely inspected.
Unhatched eggs or nits (empty eggshells) alone aren’t enough to diagnose an active head lice infestation. This is because it can be difficult to distinguish between eggs and nits that are dead or alive. Nits also usually remain glued to hairs long after successful treatment.
To confirm an active head lice infestation, a louse must be found through a reliable, accurate method, such as detection combing.
Detection combing is the best way of finding head lice. It involves using a special fine-toothed head lice comb with a tooth spacing of 0.2-0.3mm to comb through the hair.
The comb can trap even the smallest lice. It works better on wet hair but can also be used on dry hair.
Read more about detection combing.
Treating head lice
Head lice can usually be effectively treated with lotions or sprays designed to kill head lice, or by wet combing, using a specially designed head lice comb (see above).
Wet combing can be used without lotions or sprays, but it needs to be done regularly and can take a long time to do thoroughly.
Lotions or sprays can be used as an alternative. However, to be totally effective they need to be applied correctly and thoroughly. Your pharmacist will be able to recommend an over-the-counter lotion or spray and give you advice about how to use it correctly.
Read more about treating head lice.
Preventing head lice
It’s difficult to prevent a head lice infestation because head lice are spread by head-to-head contact.
Regular detection combing – for example, on a weekly basis – is the best way to find new lice quickly.
Lotions and sprays don’t prevent head lice infestations and should only be used if a live louse has been found on your, or your child’s, head.
Page last reviewed: 03/07/2014
Next review due: 03/07/2016
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Child health 6-15
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How to treat nits
Head lice, sometimes called nits, are common in children. Find out how to get rid of them if your child is affected.

Itching is a common symptom that can be caused by a number of conditions
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Head lice
Detecting head lice
It’s difficult to identify head lice simply by inspecting your child’s head. Detection combing is a more reliable method.
Detection combing
Detection combing can be carried out on dry or wet hair. Less preparation is needed to comb dry hair, but wet combing is more accurate because lice remain motionless when wet.
You’ll need to use a special fine-toothed detection comb that you can buy from your local pharmacy. The comb has a tooth spacing of 0.2-0.3mm to trap the smallest lice.
Nit combs aren’t suitable for louse detection because the teeth are too close together. Lice can get trapped between the teeth and remain unseen.
Wet detection combing
Follow the steps below for wet detection combing.
- Wash hair using ordinary shampoo and apply plenty of conditioner. Use a wide-toothed comb to straighten and untangle the hair.
- Once the comb moves freely through the hair without dragging, switch to the louse detection comb. Make sure the teeth of the comb slot into the hair at the roots with the bevel-edge of the teeth lightly touching the scalp.
- Draw the comb down to the ends of the hair with every stroke, and check the comb for lice.
- Remove lice by wiping or rinsing the comb.
- Work methodically through the hair, section by section, so that the whole head of hair is combed through.
- Rinse out the conditioner and repeat the combing procedure in the wet hair.
Dry detection combing
Follow the steps below for dry detection combing:
- Use an ordinary comb to straighten and untangle the hair.
- Once the comb moves freely through the hair without dragging, switch to the louse detection comb. Comb the hair from the scalp to the ends, combing each section of hair three or four times before moving on to the next section.
- Look for lice as the comb is drawn through the hair. If you see a louse, trap it against the face of the comb with your thumb. This will stop the louse being repelled by static electricity as the comb is removed from the hair.
- Continue combing the hair section by section until the whole head has been combed through.
You can be confident of an active infestation if you find a live louse in the hair. If you’re still unsure, you can attach any lice you find to sticky tape and take it to your pharmacist, GP or practice nurse for confirmation.
Checking the rest of the family
If you discover head lice in your child’s hair you should check the rest of the family and alert close friends.
You should only treat hair after live head lice have been found. Don’t treat “just in case”. However, once confirmed, take immediate steps to treat head lice.
Read more about treating head lice.
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- Published Date
- 2014-08-28 10:06:06Z
- Last Review Date
- 2014-07-02 00:00:00Z
- Next Review Date
- 2016-07-02 00:00:00Z
- Classification
- Hair,Head lice,Itching
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Head lice
Head lice are tiny insects that live in human hair. They’re particularly common in children.
Head lice are whitish to grey-brown in colour, and smaller than the size of a pinhead when first hatched. When fully grown they’re about the size of a sesame seed.
They can’t fly, jump or swim and are spread by head-to-head contact, climbing from the hair of an infected person to the hair of someone else.
A head lice infestation isn’t the result of dirty hair or poor hygiene. All types of hair can be affected, regardless of its length and condition.
Head lice only affect humans and can’t be passed on to animals or be caught from them.
Head lice often cause a person’s scalp to itch. Itching isn’t caused by lice biting the scalp, but by an allergy to the lice.
However, not everyone is allergic to head lice, so you or your child may not notice a head lice infestation.
Even if someone with head lice is allergic to them, itching can take up to three months to develop.
In some cases, a rash may appear on the back of the neck. This is caused by a reaction to lice droppings.
Life cycle of head lice
A female head louse lays eggs by cementing them to hairs (often close to the root), where they’re kept warm by the scalp. The eggs are pinhead-size and difficult to see.
After seven to 10 days, the baby lice hatch and the empty eggshells remain glued in place. These remains are known as nits. Nits are white and become more noticeable as the hair grows and carries them away from the scalp.
Head lice feed by biting the scalp and feeding on blood. They take nine to 10 days to become fully grown. Head lice normally only crawl from head to head when they’re adults or nearly mature juveniles.
A female head louse may start to lay eggs from nine days after she’s hatched. Therefore, to break the cycle and stop them spreading, they need to be removed within nine days of hatching.
How to spot head lice
Head lice can be difficult to see, even when the head is closely inspected.
Unhatched eggs or nits (empty eggshells) alone aren’t enough to diagnose an active head lice infestation. This is because it can be difficult to distinguish between eggs and nits that are dead or alive. Nits also usually remain glued to hairs long after successful treatment.
To confirm an active head lice infestation, a louse must be found through a reliable, accurate method, such as detection combing.
Detection combing is the best way of finding head lice. It involves using a special fine-toothed head lice comb with a tooth spacing of 0.2-0.3mm to comb through the hair.
The comb can trap even the smallest lice. It works better on wet hair but can also be used on dry hair.
Read more about detection combing.
Treating head lice
Head lice can usually be effectively treated with lotions or sprays designed to kill head lice, or by wet combing, using a specially designed head lice comb (see above).
Wet combing can be used without lotions or sprays, but it needs to be done regularly and can take a long time to do thoroughly.
Lotions or sprays can be used as an alternative. However, to be totally effective they need to be applied correctly and thoroughly. Your pharmacist will be able to recommend an over-the-counter lotion or spray and give you advice about how to use it correctly.
Read more about treating head lice.
Preventing head lice
It’s difficult to prevent a head lice infestation because head lice are spread by head-to-head contact.
Regular detection combing – for example, on a weekly basis – is the best way to find new lice quickly.
Lotions and sprays don’t prevent head lice infestations and should only be used if a live louse has been found on your, or your child’s, head.
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- Published Date
- 2014-08-28 10:05:46Z
- Last Review Date
- 2014-07-02 00:00:00Z
- Next Review Date
- 2016-07-02 00:00:00Z
- Classification
- Head lice
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Head lice
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- 2011-09-11 16:59:01Z
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- 2010-07-14 00:00:00Z
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- 2012-07-14 00:00:00Z
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Head lice
Treating head lice
Head lice can be difficult to treat due to the time-consuming and precise nature of treatment and high re-infestation rate.
In the past, traditional insecticides were used to treat head lice infestations but head lice would often develop resistance to them.
Therefore, these types of treatments have virtually been replaced with silicone and oil-based preparations which have a physical rather than a chemical action on lice.
After a head lice infestation has been confirmed you can treat the lice at home by wet combing the hair with a head lice comb or by using a lotion or spray that’s designed to kill head lice (see below).
However, neither will protect against re-infestation if head-to-head contact is made with someone with head lice during the treatment period.
Wet combing
The wet combing method involves removing the head lice by systematically combing the hair using a special fine-toothed comb.
The comb’s teeth should be spaced 0.2-0.3mm apart. Lice can be crushed or trapped between the teeth of nit combs with a tooth spacing of less than 0.19mm and remain unseen.
You can buy a fine-toothed comb from your local pharmacy or you can order one online.
Lotions or sprays don’t need to be used for wet combing. However, to be effective, wet combing needs to be carried out regularly and thoroughly. The method you should use is described below.
- Wash the hair using ordinary shampoo and apply plenty of conditioner, before using a wide-toothed comb to straighten and untangle the hair.
- Once the comb moves freely through the hair without dragging, switch to the louse detection comb. Make sure the teeth of the comb slot into the hair at the roots, with the bevel-edge of the teeth lightly touching the scalp.
- Draw the comb down to the ends of the hair with every stroke, and check the comb for lice.
- Remove lice by wiping or rinsing the comb.
- Work methodically through the hair, section by section, so that the whole head is combed through.
- Rinse out conditioner and repeat the combing procedure.
- Repeat the procedure on days three, six, nine, 12 and 15, so that you clear young lice as they hatch, before they have time to reach maturity.
How long it will take to comb your child’s hair will depend on the type of hair they have and its length. For example, short, straight hair can be quickly prepared and can be fine-toothed combed in a few minutes. Longer, curlier hair will take longer to comb.
Lotion or sprays
Using a lotion or spray is an alternative method of treating head lice. However, to be effective they need to be used correctly. Your pharmacist will be able to recommend an over-the-counter lotion or spray and advise you about how to use it correctly.
A lotion or spray should only be used if a living (moving) head louse is found. Crème rinses and shampoos aren’t thought to be effective and therefore aren’t recommended.
Ensure you have enough lotion or spray to treat everyone in your family who’s affected. Use enough to coat the scalp and the length of the hair during each application.
Follow the instructions that come with the lotion or spray when applying it. Depending on the product you’re using, the length of time it will need to be left on the head may vary from 10 minutes to eight hours.
The normal advice is to treat the hair and repeat the treatment after seven days. Some products also supply a comb for removing dead lice and eggs.
Some products may be capable of killing eggs as well as lice, although there’s no certainty of this. Check for baby lice hatching from eggs three to five days after using a product and again 10-12 days afterwards.
At least two applications of lotion are needed to kill lice over the hatching period because the lotions don’t always kill louse eggs.
If the lice appear unaffected by the product, or if the problem persists, seek advice from your school nurse, health visitor, pharmacist or GP.
Always read the instructions on the pack or leaflet that comes with a head lice treatment, particularly in relation to the following groups:
If you’re still unsure, seek advice from a healthcare professional before using the product.
It’s recommended that pregnant women use either wet combing or 4% dimeticone lotion, which is licensed for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Afro hair
Afro (frizzy) hair or hair that’s tightly curled can make treating a head lice infestation particularly difficult.
There’s no evidence that keeping your child’s hair short, or plaiting or braiding it, will make it easier to treat.
Afro hair should be treated in a similar way to straight hair. Methodically combing small sections of hair at a time with a lice comb, and/or using a lotion or spray, will usually prove effective.
Useful Links
- Published Date
- 2014-08-28 10:06:19Z
- Last Review Date
- 2014-07-02 00:00:00Z
- Next Review Date
- 2016-07-02 00:00:00Z
- Classification
- Hair,Head lice
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The 5 comments about ‘Head Lice’ posted are personal views. Any information they give has not been checked and may not be accurate.
busymam78 said on 26 August 2013
I had many many months of testing products on my sons hairs (ages 8, 4, 3) and the lice and eggs still remained until I found a natural product, that and can be used on everyone.
I used this as directed and thoroughly going through the boys hair pulling out stragglers that I found with my nails (gross I know but i was desperate by this stage). It worked a treat. I did a follow up as suggested but found nothing. I also now wash their hairs 2-3 times a week with a shampoo with lice repellent and can honestly say they’ve had none now for about 9-10 months which is fantastic considering I was having to treat them weekly. I’ve also heard lavender oil and water sprayed onto damp hair works good as a repellent but I haven’t personally tried it.
Report this content as offensive or unsuitable comment id 41209
kirstyg30 said on 14 August 2011
my daughter aged 9 and son aged 8 have been dealing with nits head lice since they have been at school and really you can’t stop them, the only way you can get rid is by all familys at the school checking.
hopefully this will help all the mums out there: use lots of thick conditioner, even olive oil it helps them slid out, using vosen twice a week and tea tree shampoo + conditioner don’t use it all the time cause they will get used to it, this has helped me and the kids haven’t had them in ages,
Report this content as offensive or unsuitable comment id 16409
pau1a said on 08 July 2011
nothing works to help my daughter when she has nits. my daughter is nearly 9 and has nits most of her school life. i have tried all the treatments and the wet combing. basically she scratches her head and makes it sore, even shampoo and conditioner stings. her head is red raw in places. everyday her pillow and sheet is covered with nits, eggs and the debris that comes with it.. i constantly have to clear this. where her head is sore it bleeds then the wet makes her hair matted (just on that spot) and it smells. she constantly scratches and everyday morning after school and bedtime we brush with a soft bristle brush and that brings out lots of the nits, eggs and debris. we do this over the bath where her head is over and we can brush underneath. after looking at her hair closely it seems that round by her ears and the nape of her neck it seems her hair is now thinnning and looks like she has slight bald patches. last summer hols we did get rid prob ‘cos she had no head contact with others. so since last september until june this year she has been nit free. i have to force her by dragging her to the bathroom and hold her head over the bath to wash with the shower as she hates having it done. she thinks i am cruel but more cruel to let her suffer. we then have constant tantrums over this. I also say that it is not hayfever but the nits that cause my symptons, really sore eyes that i constantly itch, sneezing non stop, runny nose etc.. it goes on for days seems to clear for a day then starts all over again. been to the docs and the hospital over this and nobody seems to be able to do any more than i am doing.Any advice welcome.
Report this content as offensive or unsuitable comment id 15554
picture said on 04 August 2010
The headlice video is good but the pharmacist states that headlice jump when infact they cannot jump, swim or fly they simply climb from when head to another.
Report this content as offensive or unsuitable comment id 8843
Olive&Kevin said on 08 September 2009
Excellent – informative and reassuring – video. Review of page overdue.
Report this content as offensive or unsuitable comment id 4282