

NHS Choices Syndication


Causes of itching

There are many different possible causes of itching.

For example, itching can be a symptom of:

Each of these possible causes of itching is described in more detail below.

Skin conditions

Skin conditions that can cause itching include:

  • dry skin
  • eczema – a chronic (long-term) condition where the skin is dry, red, flaky and itchy
  • contact dermatitis – a condition where the skin becomes inflamed
  • urticaria – also known as hives, welts or nettle rash; urticaria is triggered by an allergen, such as food or latex, and causes a raised, red itchy rash to develop
  • lichen planus – an itchy, non-infectious rash of unknown cause
  • psoriasis – a non-infectious skin condition that causes red, flaky, crusty patches of skin and silvery scales
  • dandruff – a common, non-contagious skin condition that affects the scalp
  • folliculitis – a skin condition caused by inflamed hair follicles
  • prurigo – small blisters (fluid-filled swellings) that are very itchy  

Allergies and skin reactions

Itching is sometimes caused by environmental factors, such as:

  • cosmetics
  • dyes or coatings on fabrics
  • contact with certain metals, such as nickel
  • contact with the juices of certain plants or stinging plants
  • an allergy to certain foods or types of medication (for example, aspirin and a group of medicines called opioids)
  • prickly heat – an itchy rash that appears in hot, humid weather conditions
  • sunburn – skin damage caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays

Parasites and insects

Itching can also be caused by the following pests:


Itching may also be a symptom of an infection, such as:

  • chickenpox or another viral infection
  • a fungal infection, such as athlete’s foot, which causes itching in between the toes, jock itch which affects the groin, and ringworm, a contagious condition that causes a ring-like red rash to develop on the body
  • a yeast infection, such as female thrush or male thrush, which can cause itching in and around the genitals

Fungal and yeast infections tend to cause itching in a specific area of the body. However, in untreated cases, or cases that do not respond well to treatment, itching may become generalised.

Systemic conditions

Systemic conditions are conditions that affect the entire body. Sometimes, itching can be a symptom of systemic conditions, such as:

Pregnancy and the menopause

In women, itching can sometimes be caused by hormonal changes.


Itching often affects pregnant women and usually disappears after the birth. A number of skin conditions can develop during pregnancy and cause itchy skin. They include:

  • pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) – a common skin condition during pregnancy that causes itchy, red, raised bumps that appear on the thighs and abdomen (tummy)
  • prurigo gestationis – a skin rash that appears as red, itchy dots and mainly affects the arms, legs and torso
  • obstetric cholestasis – a rare disorder that affects the liver during pregnancy and causes itching of the skin without a skin rash

Read more information about itching and obstetric cholestasis in pregnancy.

Pregnant women may also experience eczema and psoriasis.

Seek advice from your midwife or GP if you have itching or any unusual skin rashes during your pregnancy.


Itching is also a common symptom of the menopause, which is where a woman’s periods stop, at around 52 years of age, as a result of hormonal changes. Changes in the levels of hormones, such as oestrogen, that occur during the menopause are thought to be responsible for the itching.

Published Date
2014-07-09 23:23:29Z
Last Review Date
2012-11-08 00:00:00Z
Next Review Date
2014-11-08 00:00:00Z
Allergies,allergy support,Athlete's foot,Dry skin,Fungal infections,Hives,Infections,Itching,Itchy bottom,Itchy rashes,Menopause,Rashes and skin problems,Ringworm,Scabies,Skin,Symptoms and signs

Itching – NHS Choices



How to avoid scratching

Scratching can damage the skin and irritate it further, which can make it painful and more itchy. These tips might help you avoid scratching: 

  • rub or press the affected area with your palm
  • keep the itchy skin moist with an emollient, which makes scratching less damaging to the skin

It’s not easy to avoid scratching, so keep your nails short and clean. Nails should be filed not clipped; clipped nails can often have jagged edges that could damage your skin when scratching.

Itching is an unpleasant sensation that compels a person to scratch the affected area. Mild to moderate itching is a common symptom but occasionally may be severe and frustrating. The medical name for itching is pruritus.

Itching can affect any area of the body. It can either be:

  • generalised – where itching occurs over the whole body
  • localised – where itching only occurs in a particular area

Sometimes, there is a rash or a spot where the itching occurs.

Common causes of itching

Itching can be caused by a number of different conditions. For example:

Read more detailed information about possible causes of itching.

Things you can do

In many cases, treating the underlying condition will ease the itching. However, there are things you can do to relieve itching, including:

  • using a cold compress, such as a flannel
  • applying calamine lotion to the affected area
  • using unperfumed personal hygiene products
  • bathing in cool water
  • not wearing clothes that irritate your skin, such as wool or man-made fabrics 
  • keeping skin moist

There are also medicines such as antihistamines and steroid creams that may help to relieve the symptoms of itching caused by certain skin conditions.

Read more about treatments to relieve itching.

When to see your GP

Many cases of itching will get better over a short period of time. However, it is important to visit your GP if your itching is not improving or is affecting your quality of life.

You should see your GP if your itching is:

  • severe
  • lasts for a long time
  • keeps coming back
  • is associated with other symptoms, such as breathing problems, skin inflammation or jaundice

Also visit your GP as soon as possible if your entire body itches and there is no obvious cause. It could be a symptom of a more serious condition.

Your GP may carry out tests to determine the cause of the itching, such as:

  • a skin scraping – the affected area of skin is scraped to obtain a sample, which can be analysed to help diagnose a skin condition
  • a vaginal or penile swab if a yeast infection is suspected; a small plastic rod with a cotton ball on one end will be used to obtain the sample
  • blood test to see if the cause is an underlying disease, such as diabetes, thyroid or kidney disease
  • biopsy – the area is numbed and a tissue sample is removed for analysis

Page last reviewed: 08/11/2012

Next review due: 08/11/2014


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The 2 comments posted are personal views. Any information they give has not been checked and may not be accurate.

Myste said on 21 February 2013

I have been for two CT Scans in the past three weeks. Yesterday was the second time. However about two to three hours later I started itching, and by this morning I am so itchy all over I want to tear off my skin. I am disabled and have limited movement, cannot get to smear creams on my back for example. It is driving me up the wall, called the doctor … no one there. I want to know if its a side effect of the CT Scan (Iodine injected I think) and can I get tablets?

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Judy Ross said on 17 February 2012

I have heard that creams with calendula and essential oils like lavender and east cape manuka are good for relieving itching.

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Warts on fingers

Five common skin conditions

Facts about five common skin problems, including causes and available treatments

NHS Choices Syndication



Itching is an unpleasant sensation that compels a person to scratch the affected area. Mild to moderate itching is a common symptom but occasionally may be severe and frustrating. The medical name for itching is pruritus.

Itching can affect any area of the body. It can either be:

  • generalised – where itching occurs over the whole body
  • localised – where itching only occurs in a particular area

Sometimes, there is a rash or a spot where the itching occurs.

Common causes of itching

Itching can be caused by a number of different conditions. For example:

Read more detailed information about possible causes of itching.

Things you can do

In many cases, treating the underlying condition will ease the itching. However, there are things you can do to relieve itching, including:

  • using a cold compress, such as a flannel
  • applying calamine lotion to the affected area
  • using unperfumed personal hygiene products
  • bathing in cool water
  • not wearing clothes that irritate your skin, such as wool or man-made fabrics 
  • keeping skin moist

There are also medicines such as antihistamines and steroid creams that may help to relieve the symptoms of itching caused by certain skin conditions.

Read more about treatments to relieve itching.

When to see your GP

Many cases of itching will get better over a short period of time. However, it is important to visit your GP if your itching is not improving or is affecting your quality of life.

You should see your GP if your itching is:

  • severe
  • lasts for a long time
  • keeps coming back
  • is associated with other symptoms, such as breathing problems, skin inflammation or jaundice

Also visit your GP as soon as possible if your entire body itches and there is no obvious cause. It could be a symptom of a more serious condition.

Your GP may carry out tests to determine the cause of the itching, such as:

  • a skin scraping – the affected area of skin is scraped to obtain a sample, which can be analysed to help diagnose a skin condition
  • a vaginal or penile swab if a yeast infection is suspected; a small plastic rod with a cotton ball on one end will be used to obtain the sample
  • blood test to see if the cause is an underlying disease, such as diabetes, thyroid or kidney disease
  • biopsy – the area is numbed and a tissue sample is removed for analysis

Published Date
2014-07-09 23:23:33Z
Last Review Date
2012-11-08 00:00:00Z
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2014-11-08 00:00:00Z
Allergies,allergy support,Fungal infections,Itching,Skin,Skin scrapings

NHS Choices Syndication


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NHS Choices Syndication


Treating itching

The type of treatment you receive for itching will depend on the cause.

If you are referred for further investigations, there are things you can do to give yourself some relief.

Using a cold compress such as damp flannel, or applying calamine lotion to the affected area may help relieve your itching.


When bathing or showering you should:

  • use cool or lukewarm water (not hot)
  • avoid using perfumed soap, shower gel or deodorants; unperfumed lotions or aqueous cream are available from your pharmacist
  • use unperfumed moisturising lotions and emollients after bathing or showering to help prevent your skin becoming too dry

Clothing and fabric

Regarding clothing and bed linen, you should:

  • avoid wearing clothes that irritate your skin, such as wool and some man-made fabrics
  • wear cotton whenever possible
  • avoid tight-fitting clothes
  • use mild laundry detergent that will not irritate your skin
  • use cool, light, loose bedclothes


With regard to medication, you can use:

  • an oily moisturiser or emollient if your skin is dry or flaky
  • mild steroid cream (for no longer than seven days) for localised, inflamed, itchy areas – hydrocortisone cream is available from pharmacies over the counter, or your GP can prescribe a steroid cream for you
  • antihistamine tablets to help control allergic reactions and help break the itch-scratch cycle – consult your GP before using these because they are not suitable for all cases of itching

Antihistamine tablets may also make you feel drowsy, therefore it’s important you do not drive, use power tools or heavy machinery while taking them.

Some antidepressants such as paroxetine or sertraline can help relieve itching (if your GP prescribes these, it does not mean you are depressed).

If you have itching in hairy areas, such as your scalp, lotions can be prescribed specifically for these areas, rather than using sticky creams.

Published Date
2014-07-09 23:23:31Z
Last Review Date
2012-11-08 00:00:00Z
Next Review Date
2014-11-08 00:00:00Z

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