
Blood clot

Deep vein thrombosis – Causes – NHS Choices

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Deep vein thrombosis – Causes 

Causes of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) 

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) sometimes occurs for no apparent reason. However, the risk of developing DVT is increased in certain circumstances.


When you are inactive your blood tends to collect in the lower parts of your body, often in your lower legs. This is usually nothing to worry about because when you start to move, your blood flow increases and moves evenly around your body.

However, if you are immobile (unable to move) for a long period of time – such as after an operation, because of an illness or injury, or during a long journey – your blood flow can slow down considerably. A slow blood flow increases the chances of a blood clot forming.

In hospital

People in hospital have a higher risk of getting a blood clot because DVT is more likely to happen when you are unwell or inactive, or less active than you usually are.

As a patient, your risk of developing DVT depends on the type of treatment you are having. You may be at higher risk of DVT if any of the following apply:

  • you are having an operation that takes longer than 90 minutes, or 60 minutes if the operation is on your leg, hip or abdomen
  • you are having an operation for an inflammatory or abdominal condition, such as appendicitis
  • you are confined to a bed, unable to walk, or spending a large part of the day in a bed or chair for at least three days

You may also be at a higher risk of DVT if you are much less active than usual because of an operation or serious injury and have other DVT risk factors, such as a family history.

When you are admitted to hospital you will be assessed for your risk of developing a blood clot and, if necessary, given preventative treatment.

Blood vessel damage

If the wall of a blood vessel is damaged, it may become narrowed or blocked, which can result in the formation of a blood clot.

Blood vessels can be damaged by injuries such as broken bones or severe muscle damage. Sometimes blood vessel damage that occurs during surgery can cause a blood clot, particularly in operations on the lower half of your body.

Conditions such as vasculitis (inflammation of the vein wall), varicose veins and some forms of medication, such as chemotherapy, can also damage blood vessels.

Medical and genetic conditions

Your risk of DVT is increased if you have a condition that causes your blood to clot more easily than normal. These conditions include:

  • cancer – treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy can increase this risk further
  • heart and lung disease
  • infectious diseases, such as hepatitis
  • inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis
  • thrombophilia – a genetic condition that makes your blood more likely to clot
  • Hughes syndrome – when your blood becomes abnormally “sticky” 


Pregnancy makes your blood clot more easily. This is your body’s way of preventing too much blood loss during childbirth. 

Around 1 in 1,000 pregnant women develop DVT at some point during their pregnancy. See DVT – Helen’s story for an example of this.

Contraceptive pill and hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

The combined contraceptive pill and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) both contain the female hormone oestrogen. Oestrogen causes the blood to clot slightly more easily, so your risk of getting DVT is slightly increased. There is no increased risk from the progestogen-only contraceptive pill.

Other causes

Your risk of developing DVT is also increased if you or a close relative have previously had DVT and you are:

  • overweight or obese
  • a smoker
  • dehydrated 
  • over 60 – particularly if you have a condition that restricts your mobility

Page last reviewed: 03/06/2014

Next review due: 03/06/2016


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How the blood clots

Your blood contains cells called platelets and proteins known as clotting factors. When a blood vessel is cut, the platelets and clotting factors form a solid clot that acts as a plug to stop the wound bleeding.

Normally, blood clotting occurs when a blood vessel is damaged and bleeds. If the blood clots when a vessel is not damaged, a clot can form within a vein or artery (thrombosis) and restrict the blood flow.

Women on a plance

Preventing DVT when you travel

Reduce your risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) during a long journey, including advice on leg exercises and flight socks


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Deep vein thrombosis – Diagnosis – NHS Choices

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Deep vein thrombosis – Diagnosis 

Diagnosing deep vein thrombosis 

If you think that you may have deep vein thrombosis (DVT), see your GP as soon as possible. 

Your GP will ask you about your medical history and your symptoms. However, it can be difficult to diagnose DVT from symptoms alone, so your GP may recommend one of the following tests:

D-dimer test

A specialised blood test known as the D-dimer test is used to detect pieces of blood clot that have been broken down and are loose in your bloodstream. The larger the number of fragments found, the more likely it is that you have a blood clot in your vein.

However, the D-dimer test is not always reliable. Blood clot fragments can increase after an operation or injury, or if there is inflammation in your body (when your immune system reacts to an infection or disease). This means that additional tests, such as an ultrasound scan, need to be performed to confirm DVT.

If the D-dimer test is negative, it rules out the possibility of a DVT in up to 97% of cases.

Ultrasound scan

An ultrasound scan can be used to detect clots in your veins. A special type of ultrasound known as a Doppler ultrasound can also be used to find out how fast the blood is flowing through a blood vessel. This helps doctors identify when blood flow is slowed or blocked, which could be caused by a blood clot.


If the results of a D-dimer test and ultrasound scan cannot confirm a diagnosis of DVT, a venogram might be used. 

A special dye is injected into a vein in your foot, which travels up the blood vessels of your leg. An X-ray is taken to see the dye. If there is a blood clot in your leg, the dye will not be able to flow round it and will show up as a gap in your blood vessel.

Page last reviewed: 03/06/2014

Next review due: 03/06/2016


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Ultrasound scan

An ultrasound scan is a procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to create an image of an organ in the body


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Blood clot


Every year, many thousands of people in the UK develop a blood clot in a vein. It’s known as venous thromboembolism (VTE) and is a serious, potentially fatal, medical condition.

 VTE is the collective name for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism.

Although serious, most blood clots can be completely avoided. The key is to be aware if you’re at risk and take some simple preventative steps.

This article concentrates on blood clots in a vein. If you want information on blood clots in an artery, which is a common cause of heart attack and stroke, you can read more in our section about arterial thrombosis.

Who gets blood clots?

Although it can happen to anyone, you’re more at risk of develping blood clots if you can’t move around very much or if you’re unwell.

You’ve probably heard of blood clots linked to long-haul plane journeys or the contraceptive pill, but you’re much more likely to get a blood clot after going into hospital. In fact, about two-thirds of all blood clots occur during or just after a stay in hospital.

Read more about how and why blood clots occur

Hospital-acquired blood clots

In 2005, a House of Commons Health Committee report stated that every year in England an estimated 25,000 deaths occur as a result of hospital-acquired VTE.

The report also stated that the estimated number of deaths due to VTE, “is more than the combined total of deaths from breast cancer, AIDS and traffic accidents, and more than 25 times the number who die from MRSA.”

The government recognises that deaths from hospital blood clots are preventable and has recommended that all patients admitted to hospital should be assessed for their risk of developing blood clots and, if necessary, protection should be provided.

Following the government’s recommendation, a national VTE Prevention Programme has been put in place to try to reduce the number of deaths caused by VTE acquired in hospitals. The programme includes an analysis of all hospital-associated blood clots to identify problems, assess outcomes and improve prevention.

The VTE prevention programme has already had some positive results. For example, at London’s King’s College Hospital, where the programme has been implemented, there’s been 20% less hospital-related blood clots and a 40% reduction in events associated with inadequate preventative treatment.

Am I at risk?

When you arrive at hospital, you should be checked for your risk of blood clots. Hospital staff will record your age and weight and ask you about your general health. The assessment will also take into account the reason for your hospital stay.

Your risk of clots is likely to be higher, for instance, if you’re having a major operation, if you’re going to be confined to bed for long periods, or you’re very overweight.

Some people also have certain ‘risk factors’ that make them more likely to get a clot while in hospital. These include women who take the combined contraceptive pill or HRT, women who are pregnant or who have recently had a baby, if you’re over 60, or if you’ve had a previous blood clot.

If the assessment shows that you’re at risk of a blood clot, you should be offered preventative treatment. The options include blood-thinning drugs, compression stockings, or foot pumps to keep your blood circulating and help prevent any clots forming.

Hospital staff should check whether bleeding might be a problem before offering you a drug to help prevent a clot.

If you’ve been admitted to hospital and you haven’t had your blood clot risk checked, it’s important that you ask a doctor or nurse. Equally, if you’ve been told you’re at risk of clots and have been given medicine, stockings or other devices, it’s important that you understand how to use them properly.

Don’t be afraid to ask hospital staff about reducing your risk of blood clots – it could save your life.

Questions you might like to ask your healthcare team about blood clots are:

  • am I at risk of blood clots?
  • how likely am I to have bleeding problems?
  • what happens if I have problems with a drug or treatment I am having to help prevent clots?

How can I help myself?

You can help yourself before coming into hospital by:

  • losing any excess weight
  • stopping smoking
  • talking to your doctor if you take HRT or the combined contraceptive pill – you may need to stop them a few weeks before your operation

While you’re in hospital, you will reduce your chances of a blood clot if you:

  • drink plenty of fluids to keep hydrated
  • wear your compression stockings day and night (except when you’re washing)
  • wear any other compression devices you’ve been given
  • take any blood-thinning medicines you’ve been prescribed
  • get up and move around as soon as you’re advised to

How to tell if you have a blood clot

The term venous thromboembolism (VTE) covers two types of venous blood clots:

A DVT is a blood clot in a deep vein, usually in the leg. You may have no symptoms at all with a DVT, or you may get a cramping pain, redness or swelling in the leg.

Read more about the symptoms of DVT.

Occasionally, a clot in a vein dislodges and forms what is known as an embolus and moves to the lungs. This is a more dangerous condition, called pulmonary embolism (PE). Known as the ‘sudden killer’ because it can strike so quickly, PE can cause breathlessness, chest pain and sudden collapse.

Read more about the symptoms of PE.

If, after you’ve left hospital, you develop any of the symptoms of a blood clot, or you suspect you may have a blood clot, see your GP or go to your nearest accident and emergency (A&E) department as soon as possible. Blood clots can be treated if they’re spotted in time.

Read more about the treatment of blood clots.

Published Date
2014-06-20 16:03:33Z
Last Review Date
2013-02-26 00:00:00Z
Next Review Date
2015-02-26 00:00:00Z
Blood,Deep vein thrombosis,Pulmonary embolism,Thrombosis,Vascular conditions

Deep vein thrombosis – Prevention – NHS Choices

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Deep vein thrombosis – Prevention 

Preventing deep vein thrombosis 

If you are admitted to hospital or are planning to go into hospital for surgery, your healthcare team will assess your risk of developing a blood clot while you are there.

Surgery and some medical treatments can increase your risk of developing DVT – see causes of DVT for more information.

If you are considered at risk of DVT, there are various recommendations your healthcare team can make to prevent a blood clot occurring.

Before you go into hospital

If you are planning to have an operation and are taking the combined contraceptive pill or hormone replacement therapy (HRT), you will be advised to stop the drugs temporarily four weeks before you have your operation.

Similarly, if you are taking a drug to prevent blood clots, such as aspirin, you may be advised to stop taking this one week before your operation.

There is less risk of DVT when you have a local rather than general anaesthetic. If it is possible for you to have a local anaesthetic, your healthcare team will discuss this with you.

While you are in hospital

There are a number of things your healthcare team can do to help reduce your risk of DVT while in hospital.

They should make sure you have enough to drink and do not become dehydrated. They should also make sure you start to move around as soon as you are able to.

Depending on your risk factors, you may also be offered:

Compression stockings are worn around your feet, lower legs and thighs, and fit tightly to encourage your blood to flow more quickly around your body.

Compression devices are inflatable and work in the same way as compression stockings, inflating at regular intervals to squeeze your legs and encourage blood flow.

Read more about treating DVT.

When you leave hospital

You may need to continue treatment with compression stockings or an anticoagulant medicine when you leave hospital.

Before you leave, your healthcare team should advise you how to use your treatment, how long it should continue for, and who to contact if you are having any problems.


Your healthcare team will usually advise you to engage in regular walking exercise once compression socks have been prescribed.

This can help prevent symptoms of DVT returning and may help improve or prevent complications of DVT, such as post-thrombotic syndrome.

Smoking and diet

You can reduce your risk of DVT by making changes to your lifestyle, such as:


If you are at risk of getting a DVT or have had a DVT previously, consult your GP before embarking on long-distance travel.

If you are planning a long-distance plane, train or car journey (journeys of six hours or more), ensure that you:

  • drink plenty of water
  • avoid excessive alcohol, as it can lead to dehydration
  • avoid taking sleeping pills, as it can cause immobility
  • perform simple leg exercises, such as regularly flexing your ankles
  • take occasional short walks when possible
  • take advantage of refuelling stopovers, where it may be possible to get out and walk about
  • wear elastic compression stockings

Travel insurance

When travelling abroad, it is very important to make sure that you are prepared should you or a member of your family fall ill.

Make sure you have full travel insurance to cover the costs of any healthcare you may need to receive. This is particularly important if you have a pre-existing medical condition, such as cancer or heart disease, that may increase your risk of developing DVT.

DVT can be a very serious condition, and it is important that you receive medical assistance as soon as possible. Prompt treatment of DVT will help minimise the risk of complications.

Read more information about travel health.

Page last reviewed: 03/06/2014

Next review due: 03/06/2016


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How to tell if you might have a DVT or pulmonary embolism

Signs to look out for after your hospital treatment include:

  • pain or swelling in your leg
  • the skin of your leg feeling hot or being discoloured
  • the veins near the surface of your leg appearing larger than normal
  • becoming short of breath
  • pain in your chest or upper back
  • coughing up blood

If you experience any of the above symptoms, get medical help immediately.


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Blood clot

See what the doctor sees with Map of Medicine

The Map of Medicine is used by doctors throughout the NHS to determine the best treatment options for their patients. NHS Choices offers everyone in England exclusive and free access to this cutting-edge internet resource, which lets you see exactly what your doctor sees.

The information in the Map has been approved by the UK’s leading clinical experts, is based on the best available clinical evidence, and is continually updated. To take advantage of this unique resource go to:

Map of Medicine: venous thromboembolism diagnosis and management

Map of Medicine: venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk assessment and prophylaxis


Published Date
2011-09-11 18:52:34Z
Last Review Date
0001-01-01 00:00:00Z
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0001-01-01 00:00:00Z

Deep vein thrombosis – Symptoms – NHS Choices

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Deep vein thrombosis – Symptoms 

Symptoms of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) 

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In some cases of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) there may be no symptoms, but possible symptoms can include:

  • pain, swelling and tenderness in one of your legs (usually your calf)
  • a heavy ache in the affected area
  • warm skin in the area of the clot
  • redness of your skin, particularly at the back of your leg below the knee

DVT usually affects one leg, but this is not always the case. The pain may be made worse by bending your foot upward towards your knee.

If DVT is not treated, a pulmonary embolism (a blood clot that has come away from its original site and become lodged in one of your lungs) may occur. 

If you have a pulmonary embolism, you may experience more serious symptoms, such as:

  • breathlessness, which may come on gradually or suddenly
  • chest pain, which may become worse when you breathe in
  • collapsing suddenly 

Both DVT and pulmonary embolism are serious conditions that require urgent investigation and treatment.

Read more about complications of deep vein thrombosis.

Page last reviewed: 03/06/2014

Next review due: 03/06/2016


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The 5 comments posted are personal views. Any information they give has not been checked and may not be accurate.

alihorny said on 07 August 2014

my husband started with breathlessness a month or so ago which his GP said was probably an infection which would get better – they had also messed around with his blood pressure tablets at this time which could also have attributed to this. However, within a matter of days it became more extreme. His GP diagnosed a chest infection and gave him steroids and antibiotics. 4 days later he was in intensive care with pneumonia and blood clots on his lungs.
After receiving excellent care in ITU with a follow up of 8 days in a ward on Warfarin and injections of antibiotics he was discharged from hospital.
He’s been home just over a week now and has been suffering with a pain in his left leg – back to his GP who’s diagnosed an infection and given more antibiotics. 1 week later a further GP has now diagnosed DVT and he’s having to use support stockings for the next 6 months. Good job he’s taking Warfarin otherwise he could have been back at ITU with further blood clots.
It’s a chore getting into see our GP so to then have them diagnose him incorrectly TWICE is astonishing.
He’s only 55 and normally quite a fit bloke so this has really set him back.
The silver lining though is that he no longer has high blood pressure so doesn’t take any medication for this.

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pompeypete said on 25 March 2014

Had pain and swelling in back of calf below the knee. My wife said to check out online on NHS Choices in case it was deep vein thrombosis. The symptoms quoted were almost exactly what I was suffering.
The website said get urgent medical advice so I phoned my GP. I couldn’t be seen that day so I went directly to A&E at my local hospital. A simple blood test showed a clot in the surface vein. Further investigation concluded that I had a thrombosis in the vein that reached up into the groin – and was close to the junction with the deep vein.
I was immediately started on a course of injections (in the stomach) and daily doses of warfarin. I am still taking these tablets/injections and the clot is being dispersed.
I was very lucky that my wife suggested what it could be – and NHS Choices confirmed her suggestion. I am very grateful for the warning given by NHS Choices – as I had been in pain for three days and it could have been fatal….

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freedomlass said on 04 December 2013

I visited my dr a couple of yesterday with swelling and pain in my right lower leg, I have had swelling for some time but the pain which was waking me in the night only for a few days, he suspected dvt and sent me for an ultrasound and bloods today, it was a simple procedure to go through and the results were immediate, luckily for me it was negative although now I need to revisit my dr to see what else may be causing my problem, but at the end of the day if you are concerned then do get it checked out, it’s quick & easy and if the results shows you do have dvt then at least it can be dealt with swiftly, never leave it for another day, that day may not come.

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Algreaves1987 said on 15 November 2012

Dear Martindolan,

Please go and see a GP, if you don’t want to see your GP go into a walk in clinic. It sounds very serious 🙁


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martindolan said on 13 November 2012

I have had 3 heart attacks and a stroke,had 4 stents

3 successful/1 not

I smoke and suffer with hypertension,have lost

all the hair on top of right thigh,and skin is shiny

my right leg hurts like hell,I have a little endema

in both feet,I found this helpful because am suffering

a lot of chest pain,and sudden and gradual breathlessness

but am still scared to see my doctor,

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‘I got DVT from flying’

Mark Pownall developed deep vein thrombosis (DVT) on a long-haul flight from New Orleans to London


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Deep vein thrombosis – Treatment – NHS Choices

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Deep vein thrombosis – Treatment 

Treating deep vein thrombosis (DVT) 

If you have deep vein thrombosis (DVT), you will need to take a medicine called an anticoagulant.


Anticoagulant medicines prevent blood clots getting bigger. They can also help stop part of the blood clot breaking off and becoming lodged in another part of your bloodstream (an embolism).

Although they are often referred to as “blood-thinning” medicines, anticoagulants do not actually thin the blood. They alter chemicals within it, which prevents clots forming so easily.

Two different types of anticoagulants are used to treat DVT:

  • heparin
  • warfarin

Heparin is usually prescribed first because it works immediately to prevent further clotting. After this initial treatment, you may also need to take warfarin to prevent another blood clot forming.


Heparin is available in two different forms:

  • standard (unfractioned) heparin
  • low molecular weight heparin (LMWH)

Standard (unfractioned) heparin can be given as:

  • an intravenous injection – an injection straight into one of your veins
  • an intravenous infusion – when a continuous drip of heparin is fed through a narrow tube into a vein in your arm (this must be done in hospital)
  • a subcutaneous injection – an injection under your skin

LMWH is usually given as a subcutaneous injection.

A dose of standard heparin can work differently from person to person, so the dosage must be carefully monitored and adjusted where necessary. You may need to stay in hospital for 5 to 10 days and have frequent blood tests to ensure you receive the right dose.

LMWH works differently from standard heparin. It contains small molecules, which means its effects are more reliable and you will not have to stay in hospital and be monitored.

Both standard and LMWH can cause side effects, including:

  • a skin rash and other allergic reactions
  • bleeding 
  • weakening of the bones (if taken for a long time)

In rare cases, heparin can also cause an extreme reaction that makes existing blood clots worse and causes new clots to develop. This reaction, and weakening of your bones, is less likely to occur when taking LMWH.

In most cases, you will be given LMWH because it is easier to use and causes fewer side effects.

Read more about heparin.


Warfarin is taken as a tablet. You may need to take it after an initial heparin treatment to prevent further blood clots occurring. Your doctor may recommend that you take warfarin for three to six months. In some cases, warfarin may need to be taken for longer, even for life.

As with standard heparin, the effects of warfarin vary from person to person. You will need to be closely monitored with frequent blood tests to ensure you are taking the right dosage.

When you first start taking warfarin, you may need to have two to three blood tests a week until your regular dose is decided. After this, you should only need to have a blood test every four weeks at an anticoagulant outpatient clinic.

Warfarin can be affected by your diet, any other medicines that you are taking, and by how well your liver is working.

If you are taking warfarin, you should:

  • keep your diet consistent
  • limit the amount of alcohol you drink (no more than three to four units a day for men and two to three units a day for women)
  • take your dose of warfarin at the same time every day
  • not start to take any other medicine without checking with your GP, pharmacist or anticoagulant specialist
  • not take herbal medicines

Warfarin is not recommended for pregnant women, who are given heparin injections for the full length of treatment.

Read more about warfarin.


The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends rivarixoban as a possible treatment for adults with DVT, or to help prevent DVT.

Rivarixoban prevents blood clots forming in blood vessels by stopping a substance called Factor Xa from working.

Treatment usually lasts for three months and involves taking rivarixoban twice daily for the first 21 days, followed by once daily until the course ends.

Read the NICE guidance on rivarixoban for the treatment and prevention of deep vein thrombosis.

Compression stockings

Compression stockings help prevent calf pain and swelling, and lower the risk of ulcers developing after having a DVT. They can also help prevent post-thrombotic syndrome. This is damage to calf tissue caused by the increase in venous pressure that occurs when a vein is blocked (by a clot) and blood is diverted to the outer veins. See complications of DVT for more information.

After having a DVT, stockings should be worn every day for at least two years because symptoms of post-thrombotic syndrome may develop several months or even years after having DVT.

Compression stockings should be fitted professionally and the prescription is reviewed every three to six months. They need to be worn all day, but can be taken off before going to bed or in the evening while you rest with your leg raised. A spare pair of compression stockings should also be provided.


Your healthcare team will usually advise you to engage in regular walking exercise once compression socks have been prescribed.

This can help prevent symptoms of DVT returning and may help to improve or prevent complications of DVT, such as post-thrombotic syndrome.

Raising your leg

As well as wearing compression stockings, you might be advised to raise your leg whenever you are resting. This helps to relieve the pressure in the veins of the calf and stops blood and fluid pooling in the calf itself.

When raising your leg, make sure that your foot is higher than your hip. This will help the returning blood flow from your calf. Putting a cushion underneath your leg while you are lying down should help raise your leg above the level of your hip.

You can also slightly raise the end of your bed to ensure that your foot and calf are slightly higher than your hip.

Read more information about preventing DVT.

Inferior vena cava filters

Although anticoagulant medicines and compression stockings are usually the only treatments needed, inferior vena cava (IVC) filters may be used as an alternative. Usually, this is because anticoagulant treatment needs to be stopped or is not suitable.

IVC filters are small mesh devices that doctors can place in a vein. They trap large fragments of a blood clot and stop it travelling to the heart and lungs.

They may be used to help prevent blood clots developing in the legs of people diagnosed with:

  • deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  • pulmonary embolism
  • multiple severe injuries

They can be placed in the vein permanently, or newer types of filters can be removed once the risk of a blood clot has decreased.

The procedure to insert an IVC filter is performed using local anaesthetic (where you are awake but the area is numb). A small cut is made in the skin and a catheter (a thin, flexible tube) is inserted into a vein in the neck or groin area. The catheter is guided using an ultrasound scan. The IVC filter is then placed through the catheter into the vein.

Page last reviewed: 03/06/2014

Next review due: 03/06/2016


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The 3 comments posted are personal views. Any information they give has not been checked and may not be accurate.

Terry Harding said on 03 September 2014

My neighbour, a 60 year old female recently retuned from Germany and on return she stated to suffer pain in the leg, her husband phoned her Doctor, but was told that an appointment wasn’t available for three weeks. When he told the receptionist it was urgent, explaining the symptom, she was told that if it was urgent to go either a walk in centre or A&E. He opted for the Walk In Centre being local who diagnosed fleabites and to put her leg up a height. Again, after suffering agonising pain her husband rushed her to A&E after waiting two hours she was seen by a Nurse Practioner who agreed with previous diagnosis. One week later on Saturday 30 August her husband became alarmed and called an Ambulance, a Paramedic arrived and immediately started working on her, finally she became unconscious and an ambulance was called for. Sadly she didn’t make it. Who do your readers think is responsible as the post mortem has put the cause of death as DVT. It was a death that should have been avoided!

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Unexpectediteminbaggingarea said on 21 June 2014

Diagnosed at A and E with DVT last night ( Friday) and given Rivarixoban which seems reasonable.

No change to the pain though, which is considerable, especially when sitting which makes it impossible to work so am trying to get a compression bandage as the pain is helped by raising the leg but I can’t lie around on my back with my legs in the air all day. Sadly.

Went to Peckham Walk In Centre in the hope of finding a nurse who could do compression bandages but was told by Nurse that Compression bandages are NOT used for DVT.
Which isn’t what it says here or a lot of other sensible places on the internet. Even my 60 year old male neighbor has heard of using compression bandages for DVT.

How do you get Compression bandages fast? In London.
It takes about 3 weeks to get an appointment with my GP at the moment.

Thank you.

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GingerM said on 04 September 2013

i’m 20 weeks pregnant and i use Warfarin because i have a DVT. is this safe for the baby? My Dr. said its safe after 1st trimester. i’m just worried plz help. is there anything i can use other than Warfarin?

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