
Warts and verrucas

NHS Choices Syndication

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Verrucas and warts

Causes of warts and verrucas

Warts are caused by certain strains of the human papilloma virus (HPV). The virus is present in the skin cells of a wart.

HPV is a family of viruses that affects the skin and moist membranes (mucosa) of the body.

There are more than 100 different strains of HPV. Different strains are responsible for different types of warts.

Spreading the virus

HPV is passed on through close skin-to-skin contact. It can also be transmitted indirectly by contact with contaminated objects, such as towels, shoes, areas surrounding swimming pools, or the floors of communal changing areas.

Warts are thought to be contagious for as long as they are present on your body. The virus is more likely to spread if the skin is wet, soft or has been in contact with a rough surface.

Warts can also be spread to other parts of your own body. You can spread the virus if you:

  • scratch, knock or bite a wart
  • bite your nails or suck your fingers (if they have warts on them)
  • shave your face or legs

This can cause the wart to break up and bleed, making it easier for the virus to spread. You are more vulnerable to verrucas if you have scratches or cuts on the soles of your feet.

Published Date
2014-09-18 09:07:43Z
Last Review Date
2014-09-10 00:00:00Z
Next Review Date
2016-09-10 00:00:00Z
Warts and verrucas

Warts and verrucas – NHS Choices

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Warts and verrucas 


Warts are small non-cancerous lumps that often appear on the hands and feet 

Genital warts

Genital warts are small, fleshy growths that develop around the genital or anal area.

In England, genital warts are the most common viral sexually transmitted infection (STI).

Like other types of warts, genital warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). They can be spread during sex.

Read more about genital warts.

Warts are small lumps that often develop on the skin of the hands and feet.

Warts vary in appearance and may develop singly or in clusters. Some are more likely to affect particular areas of the body. For example, verrucas are warts that usually develop on the soles of the feet.

Warts are non-cancerous, but can resemble certain cancers.

Most people will have warts at some point in their life. They tend to affect children and teenagers more than adults.

Read more about the symptoms of warts.

What causes warts?

Warts are caused by an infection with the human papilloma virus (HPV).

The virus causes an excess amount of keratin, a hard protein, to develop in the top skin layer (epidermis). The extra keratin produces the rough, hard texture of a wart.

Read more about the causes of warts.

Are warts contagious?

Warts aren’t considered very contagious, but they can be caught by close skin-to-skin contact. The infection can also be transmitted indirectly from contaminated objects or surfaces, such as the area surrounding a swimming pool.

You are more likely to get infected if your skin is wet or damaged. After you become infected, it can take weeks or even months for a wart or verruca to appear.

When to see your GP

Most types of warts are easy to identify because they have a distinctive appearance. You should always see your GP if you have a growth on your skin you are unable to identify or are worried about.

Your GP will be able to tell if it’s a wart simply by looking at it. Where it is on your body and how it affects surrounding skin will also be taken into consideration.

You should visit your GP if you have a wart that:

  • bleeds
  • changes in appearance
  • spreads
  • causes you significant pain, distress or embarrassment

Treating warts

Most warts are harmless and clear up without treatment.

The length of time it takes a wart to disappear will vary from person to person. It may take up to two years for the viral infection to leave your system and for the wart to disappear.

You might decide to treat your wart if it is painful, or in an area that is causing discomfort or embarrassment.

Common methods of treatment include:

  • salicylic acid
  • cryotherapy (freezing the skin cells)
  • duct tape
  • chemical treatments

Treatment for warts is not always completely effective, and a wart will sometimes return following treatment.

Surgery is not usually recommended for warts.

Read more about how warts are treated.

Page last reviewed: 11/09/2014

Next review due: 11/09/2016


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The 12 comments posted are personal views. Any information they give has not been checked and may not be accurate.

Linlin19 said on 25 September 2014

Tea tree oil, dab on and cover with plaster, in a day it took my pain away day three nearly gone, tea tree is an anti virus antibacterial and antiiflamitary, great stuff for feet and warts. Do not soak plaster as my be too strong for your skin just dab each day, I had tried most things this is the miricle cure, can be used for warts and soak feet in a few drops for cracked heals check out its users on the web, can’t sing its praises enough.

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LUSH 1 said on 26 July 2014

Thought I would share my success story – I had 13 verrucas on my right foot for over 8 years. I always watched where I was walking as standing on cobbles/stones would send a shooting pain right up my leg. I had to regularly use an open razor bade to cut the build up of skin, believe me I tried all the old fashioned remedies (vinegar, banana skin on my foot overnight etc) and visited many chiropodists/doctors. They tried high percentage salicylic acid, liquid nitrogen and even formaldehyde…nothing worked. Then the last option was to inject 5 of them with the idea of killing direct from the root – so painful but I reasoned it would be worth it if it worked…it didnt. Then I met my now husband, who moved in with me and after about 5 months I noticed the ‘tingling’ feeling was gone. My ‘veronicas’ totally disappeared…..the reason? Garlic! My hubby always cooks with garlic and I can now say I am 11 years free of them. Worth a try! Hope this helps 🙂

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susandt said on 03 January 2014


After several surgeries, I could no longer go through them again. My warts always come back, I couldn’t keep undergoing surgeries. My boss started to threat firing me because of my surgery recovery times. A friend recommended me to use Wart Removal Method. It really changed my life, now when I have a wart breakout, I can treat at home and it will go away super fast. I wish no one go through what I went. If you can choose, don’t undergo surgery. It is worse than having the warts itself!

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NaturalWorks said on 18 November 2013

This may be able to help. I had a Verruca on my thumb that was very painful. I looked up every possible cure there was. What I found to work was pouring ACV into an empty bottle then mixing in chopped garlic, banana peels, epsom salt, and castor oil. I would soak my thumb in the mixture and also at night before going to bed I would use a cotton ball and soak it and apply it to the verrucca. when soften I would scrape the top layer off very carefully not to bleed and then apply the soak cotton ball to it over night with a bandage. after a few days I had no more pain and the verruca is practically gone. it is dried out and Black and I should be able to peel it away soon. Hope this helps someone as it did for me.

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worriedman92 said on 16 October 2013

Iv had warts on my hands since I was young
Recently iv noticed one on my genitalia
My ex girlfriend noticed some warts on her own person but when she went for a test she told me she was told they were caused by frequent sex and nothing to worry about.
Im now with a new partner but since the wart only developed recently I wasnt aware and am now afraid I may have, and have given her HPV.
I feel as though iv put a death sentence on her as there is no cure for HPV.
She has no symptoms herself and im hoping she wont have.
If I have the warts removed will this lower the risk of her catching the HVP if she doesnt already have it?
Also is there any way that the wart could be benign?
Does having warts on your hands mean you already have HPV?
Any response will be nice as im very worried.

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Jo0204 said on 02 September 2013

Hi there,
I’m after some advice for my four year old son, he’s got six warts spread across his fingers by the nail beds, and I’m finding it really difficult to treat. I’ve tried freezing, with no luck, and have now been using an over the counter medication for about 9 weeks, they don’t seem to be improving that much. A couple of days ago he knocked to top off a couple of them and they have bled and are very sore, I’ve just cleaned them and filed any excess skin away, but I’m not sure what else to do? I’m contemplating going with the duct tape method, or perhaps even laser. He’s getting really upset when I apply the medication on a night after his bath, and hates it when I have to file them down – I sometimes have to do this when he’s asleep! I saw our GP, who advised me to try and persevere with the medication method, as freezing will be very painful for him?? Any advice would be great. Thanks x

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toastedteacake said on 24 July 2013

I’ve had 4 verrucas on my right foot for about 15 years! I thought they might go away eventually but no! I had them all frozen at my GP surgery but it didn’t work, then tried salycilic acid for about 5 weeks and two of them have now gone – hurrah! … I’ve been back for more freezing and am waiting to see what happens… If the remaining two don’t go I’ll try the salycilic acid again… it obviously takes patience!

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facial warts said on 23 July 2013

i had warts on my face before 8 months and visit to my GP and they prescribe some cream with contain salicylic acid which i used it for three months. but doesn’t work. my GP said he can freeze it but there are chances to get it increse in the amount of warts, or you need to contact dermatologist in private as NHS doesn’t cover the treatment. The private doctor charges approximately £1500.00 to £2000.00 per sititing for laser treatment and need to do three to four settings.
i consult dermatologist doctor in india and had the laser treatment last month which cost me only £150.00 for doctor charges and £490 .00 for ticket to india. and result is excellent. no side effect. only one sitting with doctor.

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Enchantment said on 13 June 2013

whew, i’m 15 and had verrucas when i was… 13, i think? i had three, if memory serves – one on my big toe, another on the third toe and a third on the sole of my foot. i was getting so irritated by them; i kept scratching them, but then they’d bleed and i’d get infuriated by that. messy bedsheets (because i tended to focus on them at night) = uncomfortable me. i got them frozen a few times, but like i said, it was just taking too long! so one day, i got some salyclic gel and after putting it on for a week or so, i got so sick of them that i actually ended up ripping them out, haha. in retrospect, i’m really surprised that my feet didn’t get infected by ANYTHING afterwards, but i’m not complaining! verrucas are terrible!

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netty1391 said on 08 April 2013

I suffered for 6years with verrucas and then started to get warts on my hands.
A friend of mine suggested Vitamin C with Zinc. It took about 4 – 6 months and I was overjoyed when they actually disappeared.
I take the Vitamins everyday as I don’t want them to reappear.
Its worth a try.


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vixx66 said on 19 January 2013

I’ve had warts on my feet and hands that have taken years to get rid off having tried all the remedies and treatments the gp could provide. Good house keeping book said to paint nailvarnish on it every day for two weeks or until its gone and for me ten days later its completely gone. Works a treat!

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tra21 said on 04 January 2013

I have had the same verrcas on both feet for 14 years since my daughter wore my shoes. I have tried all the treatments and my GP has frozen them. They are now protuding like warts and are speading to other parts of my feet. Is there anything that will get rid of them???

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Warts and verrucas – NHS Choices

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Warts and verrucas 


Warts are small non-cancerous lumps that often appear on the hands and feet 

Genital warts

Genital warts are small, fleshy growths that develop around the genital or anal area.

In England, genital warts are the most common viral sexually transmitted infection (STI).

Like other types of warts, genital warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). They can be spread during sex.

Read more about genital warts.

Warts are small lumps that often develop on the skin of the hands and feet.

Warts vary in appearance and may develop singly or in clusters. Some are more likely to affect particular areas of the body. For example, verrucas are warts that usually develop on the soles of the feet.

Warts are non-cancerous, but can resemble certain cancers.

Most people will have warts at some point in their life. They tend to affect children and teenagers more than adults.

Read more about the symptoms of warts.

What causes warts?

Warts are caused by an infection with the human papilloma virus (HPV).

The virus causes an excess amount of keratin, a hard protein, to develop in the top skin layer (epidermis). The extra keratin produces the rough, hard texture of a wart.

Read more about the causes of warts.

Are warts contagious?

Warts aren’t considered very contagious, but they can be caught by close skin-to-skin contact. The infection can also be transmitted indirectly from contaminated objects or surfaces, such as the area surrounding a swimming pool.

You are more likely to get infected if your skin is wet or damaged. After you become infected, it can take weeks or even months for a wart or verruca to appear.

When to see your GP

Most types of warts are easy to identify because they have a distinctive appearance. You should always see your GP if you have a growth on your skin you are unable to identify or are worried about.

Your GP will be able to tell if it’s a wart simply by looking at it. Where it is on your body and how it affects surrounding skin will also be taken into consideration.

You should visit your GP if you have a wart that:

  • bleeds
  • changes in appearance
  • spreads
  • causes you significant pain, distress or embarrassment

Treating warts

Most warts are harmless and clear up without treatment.

The length of time it takes a wart to disappear will vary from person to person. It may take up to two years for the viral infection to leave your system and for the wart to disappear.

You might decide to treat your wart if it is painful, or in an area that is causing discomfort or embarrassment.

Common methods of treatment include:

  • salicylic acid
  • cryotherapy (freezing the skin cells)
  • duct tape
  • chemical treatments

Treatment for warts is not always completely effective, and a wart will sometimes return following treatment.

Surgery is not usually recommended for warts.

Read more about how warts are treated.

Page last reviewed: 11/09/2014

Next review due: 11/09/2016


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The 12 comments posted are personal views. Any information they give has not been checked and may not be accurate.

Linlin19 said on 25 September 2014

Tea tree oil, dab on and cover with plaster, in a day it took my pain away day three nearly gone, tea tree is an anti virus antibacterial and antiiflamitary, great stuff for feet and warts. Do not soak plaster as my be too strong for your skin just dab each day, I had tried most things this is the miricle cure, can be used for warts and soak feet in a few drops for cracked heals check out its users on the web, can’t sing its praises enough.

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LUSH 1 said on 26 July 2014

Thought I would share my success story – I had 13 verrucas on my right foot for over 8 years. I always watched where I was walking as standing on cobbles/stones would send a shooting pain right up my leg. I had to regularly use an open razor bade to cut the build up of skin, believe me I tried all the old fashioned remedies (vinegar, banana skin on my foot overnight etc) and visited many chiropodists/doctors. They tried high percentage salicylic acid, liquid nitrogen and even formaldehyde…nothing worked. Then the last option was to inject 5 of them with the idea of killing direct from the root – so painful but I reasoned it would be worth it if it worked…it didnt. Then I met my now husband, who moved in with me and after about 5 months I noticed the ‘tingling’ feeling was gone. My ‘veronicas’ totally disappeared…..the reason? Garlic! My hubby always cooks with garlic and I can now say I am 11 years free of them. Worth a try! Hope this helps 🙂

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susandt said on 03 January 2014


After several surgeries, I could no longer go through them again. My warts always come back, I couldn’t keep undergoing surgeries. My boss started to threat firing me because of my surgery recovery times. A friend recommended me to use Wart Removal Method. It really changed my life, now when I have a wart breakout, I can treat at home and it will go away super fast. I wish no one go through what I went. If you can choose, don’t undergo surgery. It is worse than having the warts itself!

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NaturalWorks said on 18 November 2013

This may be able to help. I had a Verruca on my thumb that was very painful. I looked up every possible cure there was. What I found to work was pouring ACV into an empty bottle then mixing in chopped garlic, banana peels, epsom salt, and castor oil. I would soak my thumb in the mixture and also at night before going to bed I would use a cotton ball and soak it and apply it to the verrucca. when soften I would scrape the top layer off very carefully not to bleed and then apply the soak cotton ball to it over night with a bandage. after a few days I had no more pain and the verruca is practically gone. it is dried out and Black and I should be able to peel it away soon. Hope this helps someone as it did for me.

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worriedman92 said on 16 October 2013

Iv had warts on my hands since I was young
Recently iv noticed one on my genitalia
My ex girlfriend noticed some warts on her own person but when she went for a test she told me she was told they were caused by frequent sex and nothing to worry about.
Im now with a new partner but since the wart only developed recently I wasnt aware and am now afraid I may have, and have given her HPV.
I feel as though iv put a death sentence on her as there is no cure for HPV.
She has no symptoms herself and im hoping she wont have.
If I have the warts removed will this lower the risk of her catching the HVP if she doesnt already have it?
Also is there any way that the wart could be benign?
Does having warts on your hands mean you already have HPV?
Any response will be nice as im very worried.

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Jo0204 said on 02 September 2013

Hi there,
I’m after some advice for my four year old son, he’s got six warts spread across his fingers by the nail beds, and I’m finding it really difficult to treat. I’ve tried freezing, with no luck, and have now been using an over the counter medication for about 9 weeks, they don’t seem to be improving that much. A couple of days ago he knocked to top off a couple of them and they have bled and are very sore, I’ve just cleaned them and filed any excess skin away, but I’m not sure what else to do? I’m contemplating going with the duct tape method, or perhaps even laser. He’s getting really upset when I apply the medication on a night after his bath, and hates it when I have to file them down – I sometimes have to do this when he’s asleep! I saw our GP, who advised me to try and persevere with the medication method, as freezing will be very painful for him?? Any advice would be great. Thanks x

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toastedteacake said on 24 July 2013

I’ve had 4 verrucas on my right foot for about 15 years! I thought they might go away eventually but no! I had them all frozen at my GP surgery but it didn’t work, then tried salycilic acid for about 5 weeks and two of them have now gone – hurrah! … I’ve been back for more freezing and am waiting to see what happens… If the remaining two don’t go I’ll try the salycilic acid again… it obviously takes patience!

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facial warts said on 23 July 2013

i had warts on my face before 8 months and visit to my GP and they prescribe some cream with contain salicylic acid which i used it for three months. but doesn’t work. my GP said he can freeze it but there are chances to get it increse in the amount of warts, or you need to contact dermatologist in private as NHS doesn’t cover the treatment. The private doctor charges approximately £1500.00 to £2000.00 per sititing for laser treatment and need to do three to four settings.
i consult dermatologist doctor in india and had the laser treatment last month which cost me only £150.00 for doctor charges and £490 .00 for ticket to india. and result is excellent. no side effect. only one sitting with doctor.

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Enchantment said on 13 June 2013

whew, i’m 15 and had verrucas when i was… 13, i think? i had three, if memory serves – one on my big toe, another on the third toe and a third on the sole of my foot. i was getting so irritated by them; i kept scratching them, but then they’d bleed and i’d get infuriated by that. messy bedsheets (because i tended to focus on them at night) = uncomfortable me. i got them frozen a few times, but like i said, it was just taking too long! so one day, i got some salyclic gel and after putting it on for a week or so, i got so sick of them that i actually ended up ripping them out, haha. in retrospect, i’m really surprised that my feet didn’t get infected by ANYTHING afterwards, but i’m not complaining! verrucas are terrible!

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netty1391 said on 08 April 2013

I suffered for 6years with verrucas and then started to get warts on my hands.
A friend of mine suggested Vitamin C with Zinc. It took about 4 – 6 months and I was overjoyed when they actually disappeared.
I take the Vitamins everyday as I don’t want them to reappear.
Its worth a try.


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vixx66 said on 19 January 2013

I’ve had warts on my feet and hands that have taken years to get rid off having tried all the remedies and treatments the gp could provide. Good house keeping book said to paint nailvarnish on it every day for two weeks or until its gone and for me ten days later its completely gone. Works a treat!

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tra21 said on 04 January 2013

I have had the same verrcas on both feet for 14 years since my daughter wore my shoes. I have tried all the treatments and my GP has frozen them. They are now protuding like warts and are speading to other parts of my feet. Is there anything that will get rid of them???

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Verrucas and warts


Warts are small lumps that often develop on the skin of the hands and feet.

Warts vary in appearance and may develop singly or in clusters. Some are more likely to affect particular areas of the body. For example, verrucas are warts that usually develop on the soles of the feet.

Warts are non-cancerous, but can resemble certain cancers.

Most people will have warts at some point in their life. They tend to affect children and teenagers more than adults.

Read more about the symptoms of warts.

What causes warts?

Warts are caused by an infection with the human papilloma virus (HPV).

The virus causes an excess amount of keratin, a hard protein, to develop in the top skin layer (epidermis). The extra keratin produces the rough, hard texture of a wart.

Read more about the causes of warts.

Are warts contagious?

Warts aren’t considered very contagious, but they can be caught by close skin-to-skin contact. The infection can also be transmitted indirectly from contaminated objects or surfaces, such as the area surrounding a swimming pool.

You are more likely to get infected if your skin is wet or damaged. After you become infected, it can take weeks or even months for a wart or verruca to appear.

When to see your GP

Most types of warts are easy to identify because they have a distinctive appearance. You should always see your GP if you have a growth on your skin you are unable to identify or are worried about.

Your GP will be able to tell if it’s a wart simply by looking at it. Where it is on your body and how it affects surrounding skin will also be taken into consideration.

You should visit your GP if you have a wart that:

  • bleeds
  • changes in appearance
  • spreads
  • causes you significant pain, distress or embarrassment

Treating warts

Most warts are harmless and clear up without treatment.

The length of time it takes a wart to disappear will vary from person to person. It may take up to two years for the viral infection to leave your system and for the wart to disappear.

You might decide to treat your wart if it is painful, or in an area that is causing discomfort or embarrassment.

Common methods of treatment include:

  • salicylic acid
  • cryotherapy (freezing the skin cells)
  • duct tape
  • chemical treatments

Treatment for warts is not always completely effective, and a wart will sometimes return following treatment.

Surgery is not usually recommended for warts.

Read more about how warts are treated.

Published Date
2014-09-18 09:03:28Z
Last Review Date
2014-09-10 00:00:00Z
Next Review Date
2016-09-10 00:00:00Z
Genital warts,Virus infections,Warts and verrucas

NHS Choices Syndication

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Verrucas and warts

Preventing warts and verrucas

Most people will be infected by the human papilloma virus (HPV) at some point in their life and develop warts.

However, there are steps you can take to lower your chances of getting warts and prevent spreading them to others, if you have them.

To help prevent a wart or a verruca developing, you should:

  • not touch other people’s warts
  • not share towels, flannels or other personal items with someone who has a wart
  • not share shoes or socks with someone who has a verruca
  • avoid scratching or picking your wart or verruca because it will encourage the HPV to spread to other parts of your body
  • take care when shaving because the virus can be spread easily if you cut yourself
  • keep your feet dry, and change your socks every day to help prevent warts developing on your feet

If you have a wart or verruca, you should cover it up when taking part in communal activities. For example, you should:

  • wear pool slippers or flip flops in communal changing rooms and showers 
  • cover your wart or verruca with a waterproof plaster or a verruca sock when you go swimming, or while doing physical education at school
  • wear gloves when using shared gym equipment if you have a wart on your hand
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Warts and verrucas

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Verrucas and warts

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Warts and verrucas

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Verrucas and warts

Symptoms of warts and verrucas

Warts are not usually painful, but some types, such as verrucas, may hurt. They can occasionally itch or bleed.

There are several different types of warts, all varying in size and shape. The different types are described below.

Common warts (verruca vulgaris)

If you have a common wart, it will:

  • be round or oval-shaped
  • be firm and raised
  • have a rough, irregular surface similar to a cauliflower
  • often develop on the knuckles, fingers and knees
  • vary in size, from less than 1mm to more than 10mm (1cm) in diameter

You may develop one common wart or several.

Verrucas (plantar warts)

Verrucas usually develop on the soles of the feet. The affected area of skin will:

  • be white, often with a black dot (blood vessel) in the centre
  • be flat rather than raised
  • sometimes be painful if they are on a weight-bearing part of the foot 

Plane warts

It is possible to have between one and several hundred plane warts, which can develop in clusters. They are usually:

  • a yellowish colour
  • smooth, round and flat-topped
  • 2-4mm in diameter 
  • common in young children – mainly affecting the hands, face and legs

Plane warts can sometimes develop on the lower legs of women, as the human papilloma virus (HPV) can be spread through shaving. 

Filiform warts (verruca filiformis)

Filiform warts are long and slender in appearance, often developing on the neck or face.

Periungual warts

Periungual warts develop under and around the fingernails or toenails. They:

  • have a rough surface
  • can affect the shape of the nail
  • can be painful

Mosaic warts

Mosaic warts grow in clusters and form a “tile-like” pattern. They often develop on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.

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2014-09-18 09:06:36Z
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Warts and verrucas

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Verrucas and warts

Treating warts and verrucas

Warts usually clear up without treatment. However, it can take up to two years for the virus to leave your system and the warts to disappear.

The length of time it takes for a wart to disappear will vary from person to person. They tend to last longer in older children and adults.

In adults and people with a weakened immune system, warts are less likely to clear up on their own or respond well to treatment.

Leaving the wart to go away by itself is one option. However, you may want to consider treatment if your wart is painful, in an awkward position, or is causing you distress or embarrassment.

Your GP should always refer you to a specialist if you need treatment for a wart on your face.

Treatment options

There are a number of treatments available for warts. However, no single treatment is 100% effective, and the wart may return.

The aim of treatment is to remove the wart without it returning and without leaving any scarring.

Treatments include:

  • salicylic acid
  • cryotherapy
  • duct tape
  • chemical treatments

Surgery to treat warts is not usually recommended because warts often return and further treatment is required.

Some treatments may cause side effects such as mild pain, blistering and skin irritation around the wart.

These various treatments are described below.

Salicylic acid

Many wart and verruca treatments – including creams, gels, paints and medicated plasters – are available over the counter from pharmacies.

Salicylic acid is the active ingredient in most of these treatments. It has been shown that salicylic acid is as effective as cryotherapy for treating warts. 

There is limited evidence available to show which type of salicylic acid treatment (cream, gel, paint or plasters) is most effective.

Salicylic acid and other wart treatments also destroy healthy skin, so it is important to protect your skin before applying the treatment. You can use petroleum jelly or a corn plaster to cover the skin around the wart.

Before applying the treatment to your wart, use an emery board or pumice stone to file it down a little (avoid sharing the board or pumice stone with others). Repeat this about once a week while you are treating your warts.

Each time you treat your wart, soak it in water for about five minutes first to soften it, then follow the instructions that come with the medication.

You may need to apply the treatment every day for 12 weeks or longer. You should stop the treatment if your skin becomes sore, and seek advice from your GP or pharmacist.

Don’t use treatments that contain salicylic acid to treat warts on your face. Ask your GP or pharmacist for advice about the best type of treatment.

Consult your GP before using over-the-counter treatments that contain salicylic acid if you have poor circulation  for example, if you have a condition like diabetes or peripheral arterial disease (PAD). This is because there is an increased risk of damage to your skin, nerves and tendons.


In cryotherapy, liquid nitrogen is applied to your wart for a few seconds to freeze and destroy the affected skin cells. After treatment, a sore blister will form, followed by a scab, which will fall off 7-10 days later.

A session of cryotherapy usually takes 5-15 minutes and can be painful. Large warts usually need to be frozen a few times before they clear up. You will probably need to wait a few weeks between each treatment.

There are two different cryotherapy methods. Liquid nitrogen may be sprayed directly onto the wart, or it may be applied using a stick with cotton wool on the tip. This second method is often preferred for treatment around the eyes or for small children.

Cryotherapy may be recommended if you have a wart on your face. This is because the risk of irritation is lower than when using salicylic acid or duct tape.

Cryotherapy is not usually recommended to treat young children because they may find the treatment too painful. It may also be difficult for them to stay in the same position while having the treatment.

If cryotherapy hasn’t been successful within three months, further treatments aren’t likely to be effective.

Possible side effects of cryotherapy include:

  • pain and blistering
  • your skin may become darker (hyperpigmentation) or lighter (hypopigmentation) – particularly if you have black skin
  • your nails may develop an abnormal change in shape or structure if cryotherapy is used to treat warts that develop around the nails (periungual warts)

Cryotherapy is sometimes carried out at GP surgeries or at hospital skincare clinics. However, it may not be available on the NHS in all areas of the country.

A very cold spray (dimethyl ether propane) is also available from pharmacies, which you can apply yourself. You should avoid using this spray on your face. Evidence suggests these sprays are not as effective as cryotherapy using liquid nitrogen.

Duct tape

Treatment with duct tape involves placing a piece of duct tape over your wart for about six days. If the tape falls off, simply replace it with a fresh piece. After six days, remove the tape and soak the wart in water.

After soaking the wart, use an emery board or pumice stone to get rid of any rough areas. Leave the wart uncovered overnight and apply a new piece of duct tape the following morning. This procedure should be repeated for a period of up to two months.

There is limited evidence to support the effectiveness of using duct tape to treat warts. However, side effects of this type of treatment are rare, although the skin can become irritated.

Chemical treatments

Warts can also be treated using chemical treatments available on prescription. The treatments contain chemicals such as:

These chemicals are applied to the warts to kill affected skin cells. Potential side effects include the skin being stained brown (with glutaraldehyde) and burns to the surrounding skin (with silver nitrate). 

Treating warts during pregnancy

If you are pregnant and have warts, your GP may recommend using salicylic acid, cryotherapy or duct tape.

Salicylic acid can be used to treat warts during pregnancy, as long as it is used on a small area for a limited period of time.

Published Date
2014-09-18 09:13:03Z
Last Review Date
2014-09-10 00:00:00Z
Next Review Date
2016-09-10 00:00:00Z
Cryotherapy,Skin,Topical drugs,Treatments,Warts and verrucas

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